People complain when israel and japan dont have really a proper spaa only type 81 and machbet
Drakoon(Chaparral) sucks
You talk about the DART Ammo?
Basically it’s a SARH APDS with low capability of Turning (still better than straight rounds though)
DART Problem is about guidance, you need to get Radar Beam on target, a single chaff will Chaff it out. (Can’t add much protection for a 76 subcaliber round)
It have no Explosives, no Proxi-Fuse
So MAWS on Toptier aircrafts would simply make it inefficient
And Vulcano Ammo are for Artillery work, not Anti-air, so no Proxi-Fuse, and using both GPS and IR guidance,…
Similar to what are AASM-IR on Rafale in game, but Ground-Ground instead of Air-Ground
A-hole of the day!!!
Give us noobs a list of UK and Italian SPAA currently in game that can reach the SU -34 firing Kh-38MT’s I’ll wait!!!
UK and Italy have the Typhoons for anti cas but guess what??? RU get pansir and there Aircraft have good medium range missiles ( which most matches are played ) and GER gets…You guessed it!!! A Typhoon!!!
Maybe you should go back to school and learn to read, once completed load up the game and look at the systems RU/GER gets and then UK/ITA gets. You’d be very suprised.
i play with IT and yea its true… better anti air system needed to the nato side but the vt1 rocket still pretty good. but i perfer the ef2k for kill anything what fly on the enemy side.