Top tier air needs a new gamemode

Let them larp while you engage others or bleed yheir tickets by hitting ai targets. Theyll either be forced to enter the fray or theyll lose.

Waiting for the AI overhaul so this would be feasible.

I’d really like to see something like the DCS PvE servers where it has targets but resets every few hours. Throw PvEvP in there and I think it would be an excellent gamemode. Hell, it doesn’t even have to give any rewards, I’d play it for fun

Is it known when the AI overhaul will happen (as in, is it currently in the works?) or do you mean this as a general statement? Either way I agree as the AI really need some improvements

It’s currently in the works.
However, it started sometime in 2022, so it could still be a ways out.
It’s really a necessity to improve EC modes.

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Nobody would play it with Sim controls it’d also filter out 90% of the console playerbase which gaijin wouldn’t want theres a reason why sim is has such a small playerbase its a niche gamemode purely because of the controls
RB EC should be identical to how it is currently in RB just without markers, Sim respawn and EC mechanics


It would be nice if they added a search and destroy mode were Team A would have to protect logistics vehicles, provide CAS and try to achieve air superiority while Team B tried to destroy all of Team A’s logistics.

You already have ground RB for that /s

I don’t see that as a reason why Air battles also can’t have an objective based mode.

I agree, I was being sarcastic hence the /s at the end of the sentence…

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Noted for the next time I see /s used. thanks.

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Can lock on to the hottest aircraft (F-15) at ≈18KM front aspect. And will be spoofed by a single flare.

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Now try rear aspect lock, as it was originally designed to be fired against fleeing targets.

My suggestion for RB EC seems to not have been approved…

But this other one has: