so i opened settings and wanted to keybind some air stuff, i mainly use the default keyboard and mouse(simple) but i needed to key bind the pitch up bind somewhere else, but the key was already tanken and there is lock target and track target and stuff like that, that i never really used before, same thing in ground rb. i can’t really figure out the use, do i just unbind it or rebind it somewhere else. i’m currently about to be around 7.7 in ground and 5.7 in air. what stuff do i rebind what stuff to replace where i cant figure it out, it’s too many controls.
You add or replace the key that is already there.
Adding just means you’re going to assign another key that might be mapped to something else. Not a problem if it’s something like laser lock, but you only fly WW2 planes.
Replacing means that the key will now be mapped to that new control, and removed from the other.
Might be an issue when you move up into the areas where those controls maybe required.
yepp that is my confusion, war thunder doesn’t even have explanations on what control do what, can’t understant a thing like what controls do what in settings. like the lock target i mentioned and the tracking target, what do they even do?
No idea. I checked mine and I don’t have anything set for those. They might be for naval, or arcade, or some specific vehicle with a type of weapon.
But I’ve been playing for years, and I’ve never needed them, but I also don’t play much Naval or top tier, only Ground RB.
I suggest you review these and go to specific chapters:
This is more ‘all’ others.
It would be nice if they implemented a little preview when you go into the controls, similar to how they do with modifications, just so that players can see what each binding does.
exactly, such a not so beginner friendly game lol, i’m not a beginner tho just that i’ve never paid mind to this stuff but now i’ve got to lol.
I would suggest you try advanced mouse mode rather than simple.
The pitch being on ctrl-shift rather than w-s is the main difference and being swapped with throttle.
With the defaults, all I set after that is rangefinder (p), range decrease/increase ([ ]) and reset range ( \ ). (I ADD these as the rangefinder is ‘pause’ as well in single player/mission modes.)
Also be sure to save your controls often, and name them accordingly.
Advanced feels awkward but I’ll give it a shot again thankss!!
Most of those features you won’t even use in low rank air battles. I only care about features like look behind / look down / open bomb bay door. Everything else is UI, scoreboard and chat / radio commands. Oh and free look, when you pan the camera @rookie_0071
I only use 1 button for bombing, the drop bomb button. The first time I press, it opens the door, then it drops bombs, after the last bomb, the bomb button will close the bomb bay door.
Helicopters are like playing street fighter, locking targets and firing some weapons sometimes feels like executing special moves by pressing different buttons together lol
For this at least, it can be worth it to actually go and use more controls than that.
- Bomb bay door opening - opening it on your own terms and closing likewise can net you some vital speed and precision
- Bomb series. Dropping many small bombs deals more base damage for given total payload mass than a few big ones. This can let you take reduced payloads to reduce take off run, time to climb, time to accelerate to max speed and general sluggishness. However, many small bombs done fast enough to nuke the base and not drop excess (and also not miss the base) is pretty difficult.
Given these, two factors - I recommend consulting the FAQ section of the following bomb chart:
Put inside code blocks to avoid breaking the forums with embeds.
If you rightfully don’t want to open random google sheets, here’s the relevant section:
So you want to bind:
- Weapon Selector
- Secondary weapon ripple quantity
- Fire secondary weapons
- Open/close bomb bay
The links in the image (fixed since wiki update broke them:)
Afaik, none of those are neccesary, but the “Tracking Camera: Bomb/Torpedo” allows you to view a camera following your bombs, rockets, and missiles after you launch them.
Now imagine us who play unbsing an Xbox or PS controller…I mean theres only a finite number of buttons on those controllers. I play Ground exclusively and theres so many options I cant use because of this limit.
I’d wonder if a button box would be a thing to work for you, but other than that, you wanna try plug in a keyboard and hope that it just picks it up.
You could try hooking up a keyboard to use alongside your controller. I’ve tried playing with keyboard and controller, and it works fine.
i have a Stream Deck for some of the settings
This game actually has good customizable controls for controllers. Almost every button combo works. For air, i have left direction pad set to mec controls, bottom direction for trimming, etc. You can even do 3 button combinations. I dont think you can run out of keybinds because of that.