Tokushu Heiki: LOSAT

Well they also were the first to recieve useful modern MBT’s,… remember that 3 years Ago Leo 2A5 was nearly unpenetravle from the front.

3 years ago was 2A6…

I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say…

Just… What?

Why would the acceleration be linear for the full range (5-8km according to most sources i’ve seen) instead of at the start like literally every missile ever?

You mean 1500m/s to 1800m/s?

Min range is 500m. To me that means it will eliminate most targets at 500m.

What 1.1km range are you talking about?

We already have maps with sightlines longer than 500m.


I don’t care if this thing winds up as jank as the Chinese ATGM launcher from the last event, this thing is just too cool not to get.

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Well sorry 2 countries LOl USA and Russia, I immediately propose to change the name of the game USA vs Russia

Even,… the fact it was unpenetrable at that time, makes germany a no candidate for new MBT,… and even today,… you ask for a Leo2A7 or 8,… but most nation aren’t even been given their best variant yet,…

why are ppl malding ITT about Germany not getting a new MBT for years when they got the PSO 3 days ago

it hasn’t been 6 vehicles for several events now. 6 is no longer the standard. 4 is the new standard.

The m36b2 was given to other nations first even though it’s an American produced vehicle. Germany will get its puma with spikes, just not this update

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Using the DeMarre formula on existing munitions in-game it shows the value displayed on the stat card currently is way off. I checked various other apfsds rounds from every nation and even some apds rounds. It showed an estimate range of 1900-2850mm of pen. The only thing that got close to the shown stats were naval rounds. It definitely needs to be increased from the shown 775mm.

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but america has it.
germany dosent have the lynx nor a puma with spikes.
we probably wont receive this lynx either. its not about first or second. its about getting it at all.

You shouldn’t use DeMarre for this, as LOSAT uses a subcaliber KE rod, which DeMarre is not made to work with. For APFSDS, or KE rod type penetrators you have to use Lanz-Odermatt.

Using in game data, which are:
The KE penetrator rod of the LOSAT KEM is 11.83 kg and 30mm across (damage caliber).

Assuming a cylindrical rod, a density of 17200 kg/m^3 (idk what material the rod is made out of… so I assume tungsten alloy). I get a penetrator length of aprox 970 mm. Which using the calculator gives me a figure of around ~800mm as perforation limit, which is decently close to the shown numbers. Using DU at 19000 kg/m^3 gives me about a 880 mm length and a similar (~ 790 mm) perforation limit. So I don’t think it will change…

I can’t really find any other data on the KE rod’s actual length, weight or material. But I suppose Gaijin just does but they rarely share their sources. Also this only takes into account the KE rod and not the extra mass of the missile after burning all its propellant, which is an extra ~ 28 kg, though that isn’t as effective as a penetrator but more as a big slug of mass with lotsa momentum. Don’t know if that will be taken into consideration when it comes to damage at all though…

I mean, America still doesn’t have the M36B1 which is the actual interesting variant given its Sherman hull…

don’t care about the pen, it will rekt anything it hits anyways. I’m more interested in the handling of the weapon, given it has close to no vertical guidance.

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That’s a bit harder to judge from the game files and we’ll just have to see once we can test drive it. Is the live server at yet?

From the files alone, all I can say is that it is beam riding with 20° control cone, has a 20G overload limit and no guidance delay from the looks of it. But it’s also really fast, so it might not have enough time to really maneuver down or up to in cases you are on an incline or something.

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Definitely nerfed beyond realistic or acceptable. Seriously needs to be fixed. All but useless like this. It’s supposed to be able to track and lock 2 targets at a time too but, maybe only Russia is allowed to have that mechanic.

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This thing is broken, obviously. I seriously can’t believe someone would make a weapon with no vertical aiming of the launch platform that would launch the projectile out and into the ground on a level surface. This is so unrealistic that it’s frustrating to play. And for being laser guided you’d think the round would actually go where the crosshair is pointed at long ranges, but nope. Please test and fix this.

Well, I just got the LOSAT and the missiles are still wiggling at a high speed despite multiple notes that it was fixed. It works perfectly in a test drive but in an online match they go al over the place. To hit something at 1+ km you just have to be lucky… Gaijin, could you fix it please?


When are we getting the the target tracking that the LOSAT had? It’s been 3 months. The Krizanthema S already has that system implemented (granted it uses a ground radar).


2 months later again, still nothing.

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