Tokushu Heiki: Assemble and test an honorable missile to obtain prizes!

well keep us updated I’d be interested in hearing what happens :)

In case anyone wondered, I can confirm now:

The sell permission boxes start drop after you complete Flight Fail/Test Report #2. They show up about every second materials box after that until you reach 20 total. Then they stop for good. Those are the only mats, over and above what you buy, that you can place on the market.

PC people may want to consider how and when they use those 20 “silver trading bullets” carefully. Their combined sale value if you time it right is probably more than you’d get for the low-tier bomber you’re making.

Another “so-what” of that would be materials prices are probably not going to floor out at 0.10 GJN this time, so don’t expect them to when you’re trying to construct your last vehicle and are missing just a few things to complete.


Dear Dev’s,

If you want to drive away new players and seriously annoy long-time ones then you have succeeded beyond your wildest dreams. Not only do you have an event which is a full time job (again), you have made the market pretty much worthless for those of us who don’t really want any of the event vehicles and would maybe like to sell enough to get some GJN for a past event vehicle without having to bust out the credit card.

A couple of years ago I managed to earn enough GJN for an IS6 pack. Now? Absolutely no chance. I’m gobsmacked at your nickel and diming of the player-base.

Sincerely, a long time (paying) player


Hi. I need some help for the missile diagnostics.
When i launch it, the missile don’t respond to the commands and go down until crashed in the water. Other thing - when it hit the water i don’t see a fire explosion but a water splash.

Any idea what is/are the faulty aggregates?

Controls most likely. I had the same for my first try. Didnt figure out which component was faulty though, i think i tried the antenna.

Anyone else find the launching aircraft pitches up uncontrollably, right at the start of the test firing? I’m guessing it’s only me, but it’s happened on both tests - and on every one of the half-dozen or so resets necessary before I could find a way to actually see the missile. I use full real controls and guess Gaijoob never considered that possibility when creating the test mission?

So, start mission in cockpit and missile auto launches; aircraft pitches up regardless of control input; can’t see missile; external view maybe? No, doesn’t work. Weapon tracking view perhaps? No, try again. Gunner view? Yes! That one works. Now I’m outside, but looking backwards. Swing view forward and down - a lot down, due the steeply climbing bomber. Can just check left/right controls, but no chance up/down because looking straight down at the missile doesn’t really give much chance of seeing results of up/down inputs… or of ever hitting the target on my next ‘pass’ test. Luckily both test firings blew up midair after about 10 secs, so both ‘engine failure’.

A slight pleasant surprise was getting the tradeable boxes after the second test and not, as I had originally thought, after the second successful test (ie 2 coupons). It’s still a bit of a kick in the teeth for players and I’m not sure it’s achieved much. A couple days ago mats were going for 75-80 Gaijoobley cents, which is not far off previous events, IIRC, and yesterday they were 35-40 - maybe a bit higher than before at the same stage, but not greatly. I can see them dropping to 10, as usual. Hitting the supply side, as they’ve done, will only work if there’s the same demand, but maybe much of that would-be demand is now players who couldn’t care less about the event?

That would be me. The event is waaaay to horrible to waste time on. Just not worth the effort.

Good luck to those that choose to do though.


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This is a pretty useful checklist. I had your behaviour on missile #4. It was battery for the 3 boxes.


Mats might hit 0.10 GJN, or they might not. The upside is not a lot is going to go unsold this time. That was a lot of player-earned currency that was just erased at the end of these events.

But as of this post you have 172 DPRs on market, each of which require 252 materials of all types to convert, but only about 5,300 materials. That’s not a good ratio.

I actually like this idea in principle: it’s going to keep prices high to the end of the event, making the vehicles you make more expensive, encouraging play, discouraging purchase and speculation. I just think they were a little too aggressive. Only being able to sell 20 above purchase will not cover the spread on materials produced by random number generation on the different type of mats you get, so a lot of people who are trying to make these things through play will pay more than they would have in the past to complete their last missile, too.

Let’s understand, if you make a missile and it is defective, they don’t give you anything apart from three measly boxes? Don’t they give you Development Progress Report or Target Destruction Report? Come on, all the time I’ve spent to fake a missile hasn’t been worth it to me. Not at all. This event is great, there is nothing like wasting time on this garbage.

There are many, many, many posts above explaining how it works. Fail, fail, success = destruction report. No, its not written out in the main announcements. But if you only scrolled through a few messages you would have found your answer instead of clogging up the thread further. Take care.

You do not need the 1 report plane. You can get a top vehicle with 3 reports (9 total missiles. Fail, fail, successful → Fail, fail, successful → Fail, fail, successful = 3 destruction reports.)

It appears that you CAN get 2 top vehicles this time, not 1 low and 1 high as it usually was in past events.

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Yeah, that’s what I thought, thanks.

That Ki-48-II Otsu and Ki-148 missile is hard to pass up. It’s only tier II but it is a premium so have to add it to the collection. ;)

So 4 Test Reports total it is.

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Well, I’ll be lucky to even get the plane, since I have about 9 of the other papers, and I launched the first missile yesterday.
Personally, I prefer the other type of event, which with 14 to 20 games a day you can achieve it without a problem.

I think i’ll be flaged…
Really “nice” event, i only have crates of materials after 3 fails: i was not able to select contro-reciever to point as failing part!
So… not even allowed to create 2parts after that… and none paper.

I let your event down, as more and more, and i have finished to be tired wasting my time on this game withing the “event trolling bothering” periods.

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It’s the same as always, they had crafting events that were good, they screwed up making you only get one big vehicle, now they say that in this event you can get all the vehicles, but if you don’t play 10 hours a day you don’t even get the small vehicle, Every time the events are cooler.

Third attempt produced functional rocket. I will have my Ki-48. Screw this event, I’m going home.


If you completed 3 rockets and “Prepared the Report” 3 times you will now have a “Target Destruction Report” no matter what you selected. Check your inventory.

Materials are almost $0.10 now. Multiple LOSATs listed for under $50 too. So if anyone would prefer to buy the rewards instead, keep an eye on the market now. The event still has many days left, materials are probably only going to become more abundant now, and prices might stay bottomed out at $0.10.

Update: I watched multiple sales going through at ~$40 so if you want to try and get one cheap(er) you could put up a sale order lower than the listed sale offers. Good luck, cheers.

In fact I confirmed you can even call your third rocket in a row (which is automatically a success) a failure, and you’ll still get the one box and the test report and advance.

Flying into the target only affects whether you get the decal or not.

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