Tog II What exactly have they modelled?

The Coelian got only as far as a wooden mock up while Tog II was built.

those were the fittings where retained for the besa, if you look at the internal the turret basket soaks the majority of the space. ( I pitty the driver) but just looking at it that is not even close to ergonomically working as its LHD

panther hull with a wooden turret, its on par exactly with what is presented, seeing as with the larger weight turret the 3 inch doesn’t even fit in the hull, and the sponsons never made it past wood

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My headcanon for the optional configuration is this is a landship and therefore they modeled it under naval rules for additions to the game which the second configuration would fall under.

Ok, so gaijin, where is the flamethrower for the Maus then? Or how about the Maus (and Tiger II) missing the MG 151 cannon?:


Mate the Coelian was a wooden turret, the guns were on the floor. No turret was built. The TOG II however was, and is in more of a complete state compared to that of the Coelian.

Another thing the A30 Challenger turret that was used for the TOG II worked fine.(I retract this statement, it is a different turret that’s older but looks similar) Mind you the one that is on display did work under its power. The Howitzer and sponsors were likely already in production for a complete representation when it was canceled, for the smaller cannon it doesn’t take one and one to mount one, hell the mounting was probably inside of it.

Meaning that the thing is more finished than the wooden turret Coelian.

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its up to 101mm on front now instead of the 76, lets hope they actually give it the right armor

flame maus would be pretty sick ngl. 15th anniversary vehicle???

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The a30 turret was never used on the tog, they just look superficially similar, which is a common theme with british tanks of the time, like the cromwell 2, and the matilda with the apparant crusader turret. The turret on the tank is the weighted turret, which was intended to represent the possible weight of the two gun completed low profile turret, but that was never produced. using the wot models for the same angle you can clearly see they are different turrets:


The howitzer fittings were never placed on the tog 2, as seen in a previous picture of the interiour, as they simply didnt fit, and its its pure conjecture to say the sponsons were being produced when the idea for them was cancelled in late 41, before the proof of concept was even finished.


That is a good point, i have heard more people asking from that, then there are likely people who are aware the first TOG 2 wooden mockup had sponsons

They’ve made a Frankenstein’s monster just like the Panther 2.

Yup, they have changed the name in the files for the mod to Great War Pattern, which in British military terminology means it was developed for or was the standard issue during WW1 XD

It’s worth noting that wasn’t a coincidence. The same company which made the TOG II’s turret was contracted to make the A30 Challenger turret, and to save time they just modified the design of the existing TOG turret.

As a result the first prototype for the Challenger actually used a largely unmodified TOG turret design. So amusingly enough you could say the Challenger used the TOG’s turret, not the other way around.


The first prototype a30 never even had a turret or gun, both were wooden mock-ups on the displayed vehicle. interestingly the fact they couldn’t reduce the weight of the cromwell chassis lead to an entire new basket of eggs

Friend got the screenshots from the tog book i need, just outlining what i have already said

also see above

The ammo in the Turret basket is based on the armoured one that was never fitted AFAIK

My friend @super_cacti has been looking into it, and as my assumption was turns out to be true regarding the 3 inch howitzer, in that it physically couldn’t fit in the hull due to the increased size of the turret basket, the smaller turret had a 54 inch turret ring diameter to the 70 or so present on the tog, so the moment they went with the larger turret the plan was for twin besa in the hull as it was the only thing that would fit.

Whatever they modeled seems to have come and gone pretty quickly from the game. Another must have consigned to the dustbin.

i still see them, but ironically all have turned of the fictitiously named great war pattern, as it literally makes you easier to kill with no real advantage, as the smoke shell rack gives you a huge frontal ammo rack, and the sponsons mean you cant angle.

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