[Would you like to see TKS-D in game?]
- Yes (in a future Polish or Visegrad group tech tree)
- Yes (as a event tank)
- Yes (as a premium tank)
- No ( tell me why)
[Would you like to see TKS-D game?]
- Yes (as a premium tank)
- Yes (as a event tank)
- No ( tell me why)

The TKS-D was Polish tank destroyer made by PZInż factory
on chassis of artillery tractor C2P and with installation 37mm Bofors gun (wz.36) the same as on some Swedish tanks
If the TKS-D would be added as Premium or event machine i think it should go into tier 1 British tech tree
hull length - 285 cm
overall length - 326 cm
vehicle width - 180 cm
vehicle height - 124 cm
vehicle ground clearance - 30 cm
track width - 14 cm
crew - 4
mass - 3,1t
Thank you very much for reading, I hope you will support this!
It could also work in a future Polish/Visegrad group TT.
Agreed, I think an option to have it in another tree should be added i.e. Poland or Visegrad to the poll.
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I blocked the previous poll but added a new one with the option of a separate tech tree.
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What a cutie, also a “Yes, i dont know where” option whould be nice.
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+1 for Polish or Visegrad TT
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I can not see the picture.
The TKS with Solothurn S18-100 caliber 20mm had been suggested yet?
This suggestion is something different, also its not Solothurn but Rheinmetall, Solothurn was a facade company bought up in the late 1920s for Rheinmetall to do development outside of versailles.
Neither gun, ammo or any development has anything to so with Solothurn or the Swiss.