Tiger UHT (Early/2011): As it was, so it came to be

Tiger UHT (Early/2011)

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As it was, so it came to be

History and origins:
Starting from its production in 1991 to its adoption into service in 2003, the Tiger UHT was a helicopter that was reliant on a singular weapon system for the full realisation of its combat capability. The PARS 3 LR ATGM. However, what happened in reality was not what the German MOD had really planned. The PARS 3 LR ATGM, while in theory, was ready and some trials had also taken place. How ever, Mass integration had not been done. In fact, the first batch of the PARS 3 was ordered in 2006 while the delivery took place in 2012. Up until then, the Tiger was missing its main claws… but not really. As the German air force later concluded, the PARS 3 was not up to the standards desired and nowadays, UHTs usually don’t fly with the PARS 3 at all. Back then, before the deliveries took place, this was the same case.
What also was different was the lack of the ASGARD (Afghanistan Stabilization German Army Rapid Deployment) configuration. As is obvious, this change took place during the Tiger’s deployment to Afghanistan, which was in 2012 when the first 4 UH Tigers were flown to the country [1].

The Tiger UHT (2011) is therefore the version of the Tiger that is neither equipped with the PARS 3 nor the ASGARD upgrades. This should give it around a 100kg lighter airframe and no access for PARS 3 LR, which would, in game, place it at a BR of around 10.0. This would prove a great CAS platform for the German lineups around that BR.


Max speed: 290kmph
Max altitude: 4000m
Engine: 2 х MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce MTR390-2C
Power: 1285hp
Take-off weight: 6t

  • LRF/Laser aiming
  • Rockets/Guns ballistic computer
  • Self-sealing Fuel tanks
  • 48-144 countermeasures (choice)







Would be an nice Heli filler for the 9.7 - 12.0 area

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3^7 so 4,374 roketa 🙀

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Lol there’s a comma

Maybe 11.0 ish? +1

10.0 according to Tiger HAP.

+1, The fact it’s such a modern helicopter with shit armament would make a nice dynamic for BR 10.0-10.3.

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