If I think about all these new players who will buy this nice pack… Well, I’d rather guess the BR will most likely drop within the next months.
(They will likely generate terrible stats).
If I think about all these new players who will buy this nice pack… Well, I’d rather guess the BR will most likely drop within the next months.
(They will likely generate terrible stats).
We veterans will make up for it :P
(I know this isn’t spectacular either, but at least it’s not negative xD)
The Tigers are all a notch lower than they ought to be because german mains at low tier have always sucked. the H1 and porsche should be at 6.0 and the Tiger E, two front packs, Tigris and HT 6 at 6.3 would be a good fit for their actual capability, there’s track armour covering the cupola frontally on the Tiger west negating that weak spot and the wood on the ost makes angling powerful enough to stop less precise 17pdr APDS shots entirely.
Its quite annoying that BR is based on player skill over vehicle actual capability sucky players make some vehicles sit far too low and there’s some horribly overtiered stuff that is unplayable unless you’re a god gamer. we need a BR overhaul
not realy, just another post of a guy not wanting a heavy tank to do its job,
Tigers are to slow at that br, if they lose their armor they are pretty useless. The weakposts stay the same and are easily taken out if you knopw what u are doing
I wish heavies had more value in game, maybe if they had their own ability like how mediums and lights have something it would make it better
The tiger is pretty fast for a heavy, medium tank speeds for the most part.
they have never been able to rely on their hull armour other than at a perfect angle. Tiger works best when played as a medium rather than how heavies get played. the panther is the one where you can be more reliant on the armour.
that’s just every tank
You really believe Tiger I’s capabilities are fit to face IS-3s, M47s, T32s, AMX-50s, Ho-Ris, FV4202s and alikes?
Even 6.0 is a big stretch, forcing it to face things like T-44-100s, M46s, T29s, etc.
no i want them all to go up too. Games compressed to hell and back
We unironically need the top BR to be 20.0, so that all of the BRs can be decompressed; specially the current 6.7, 7.7, 10.7, 11.0-12.0, etc.
Uptiers should be a mild inconvenience at most, not something that renders your vehicles entirely outclassed and obsolete…
honestly thats about where i hope things get to over the next couple years. with gaijin running out of new tech to be added there’s going to be older vehicles and variants more often again to fill the gaps
As I already wrote: Special units with additional equipment, field mods or special skins (Aces?) are a thing. Its far better than to add captured units and mad prototypes / drawing board units.
First - tahts tracks section should be placed in the LFP instead in that random place and useless place in the roof.
Second - Negating what???
Is insane how allies mains come here with the “german mains are bad” when usually they are the most incompetent players by far LOL.
AMX-50s? Wouldn’t they need to be 6.7 for that to happen?
AMX-50 Foch is 7.3; so, if Tigers were 6.3 without further and significant decompression, they would come across it, along with all other 7.3s I listed.
ah right, forgot about the foch
That is so much true. Imaging the jumbo would have a massive cupola weakspot that you can easily oneshot it. They would cry even harder then they do with America suffers at top tier.
I bought the tiger pack but i not playing them, since tigers are probably the worst heavy tanks at their BR, especially due to small maps.
this is my tiger clubbing lineup:
Every single tank, maybe except the undertierd leopard can oneshot the slow shitty tiger frontally.
And thats the standard you will face at 6.0. There also the M51 with 400mm heat-fs, that you will go against every single match.
nah most i’ve seen including me myself do well in them, although I’m not exactly a new player
These cold war howitzers and the undertiered Leopard SPAA with 100mm pen autocannon made alot WW2 tanks totally obsolete. The howitzers kill any Tiger or Panther with overpressure, easily bypassing all its armor. And this without beeing a hard to handle derpgun, but having long barrels which offer good trajectories and good reaload speeds.
And the Leopard, why did they even introduce this? The maps are designed in a way that single shot WW2 tanks simply have little chance. Its to0 mobile and the autogun shreds everything in no time.
Its especially remarkable since the Kugelbritz on a very slow Panzer IV chassis and like 70mm pen got +1 BR. I just wan’t to know why Leopard 40/70 got a 6.0 slapped on it. Also these Czech helldeath SPAA trucks with 100mm pen double barreled autoguns.
This is just insanity. As soon as the map type chances to a “close combat maze” (which is the most frequent maptype), players tend to spawn these bam bam bam autogun things and tank gameplay is virtually dead. Then War thunder becomes more of a third person team deathmatch shooter.
Is it possible angling was somehow nerfed? Ingame I noticed even US 76mm penning an angled front with tracks on it. The last time I played Tiger 1’s angling offered at least immunity vs. 76mm guns. So it doesn’t seem the case anymore. I should have made screenshots, but angled performance of incoming shells seems to be stonger than it used to be in the past. Sometimes the penetration kill cam looks redicoulus, considerting what crazy angles these ww2 shells actually penetrate.
I only get good Tiger matches when I flank on bigger maps. But this works on any tank. The classical heavy tank role can’t be played in a Tiger. When I go out in my KV-1, I angle a bit and be mostly invincible around BR 4.0. When I do the same in a Tiger, I get immeadetly killed. Angled or not…any shell type seems to pen. Even from BRs much lower. And we don’t even talk about 400mm pen nonsense M-51 tanks. Tiger armor seems to offer zero protection around BR 6.0 +/-.
Thats why I’d rather advocate to lower Tiger BR to 5.0 for the H1 and 5.3 for the E. I mean, common…its just 100mm armor max… Even guns from much, much lower BRs pen 100mm.
All the tigers should Tbh.