Tiger KHT: Germany's Best

Well, depending of Gaijin that make a final decision. We need many votes and support for this theme to its implementation


Also you think that lower panel can be removed for installation?

Also i understand him and fully support. Because UHT have very bad defense in close combat… Long range missles would be also good to fight with aircraft.


Yes i believe so.
The other tiger’s hacw provisions to mount cannons under the nose, it is provided in the skeleton of the aircraft.
As the image has shown, the lower panel being removed gives way and place toount the rmk-30.
Otherwise, there would never have been a plan to mount the RMK-30 on thr UHT ever.

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Well, we need Devs decision. But we don’t have many chances to see it in game. “Isn’t historical” that usual answer for planned manufacturing, which also work in different side in some exceptions (all knows but i remind: yak-141, Japanese f-16 and so on)


Interesting: in what part of vehicles Gaijin put this KHT on prototype or newer exist?

Tiger UHT but with turret? +1!


The one with the rmk-30 is still under scrutiny but ill keep searching for proof whenever i have time

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I hope you will found something new. Chances low, but wishes big…

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okay so, by this point in time, i have no doubt, that the image is in fact NOT A PHOTOSHOP, and the Tiger prototype was actually trialled with the RMK-30 since in can see no signs of a photoshop job being done, and the integration of the RMK-30 follows what the body (nose) of the Tiger is designed as.

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It have a place for it in bottom panel, that i think can be removed. So we have interesting situation like with Shredinger cat…

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Well , i surfing internet for a photo or mention of installation of rmk-30 on uht, but couldn’t find anything.

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We do have sources i think that mention that the Germans were considering it, so…

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Well i really hope for appearance of KHT with better abilities. Also i will find some new camos if needed :)

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Special question : What about 144 countermeasures, can you give a source?

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Armen doing the Lord’s work bless up 🙏🙏🙏
The hero WT Germany needs


Let’s hope his work, don’t be empty space for Gaijin

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This is a big fat +1 from me.

Am I able to buy that profile icon you have equipped off the marketplace?

Well i got it on event. I don’t think so…