Tiger II P/early deserves a remodel

After the arrival of the Kungstiger to the Swedish tree, the visuals of it’s archetype, the Tiger II P (the H has some smaller problems of it’s own, but we can’t make any direct comparisons here) have shown their age and inaccuracies, not only the resolution of the 3D model but the tank’s turret appears to be generally misshaped. Bare in mind that it also extends to the tank’s armour model, which affects gameplay by making it harder to defeat.

Frankly there are two main issues:

  1. The turret front

Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-03 215036
The old turret’s front has a noticeably pointier front, which results in a smaller window for a penetrating hit
Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-03 215148
on the kungstiger the more rounded, yet flatter appearance allows the shooter to aim less precisely with no fear of a bounce
Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-03 215825
here from the top view we see how angular the old model is, which can lead to unexpected non penetrating hits from time to time
Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-03 215847
on the remodel the turret face is noticeably flatter, true to how it looked irl, there’s no fear of a trollish bounce here

  1. The turret ring

old model shows it’s low level of detail, the ring’s thickness corresponds to the turret’s, and it doesn’t even match the visual model because of the small number of polygons

the thinner, possibly more accurate in terms of thickness turret ring protection here offers a new weak spot which was one of the reasons why this turret got replaced irl

In conclusion, the solution is obvious, replace the old early King Tiger model and base it on the newer, much more accurate kungstiger model, obv the late/H King Tiger also deserves a refresh

Bonus photos of the tank IRL



Please add your thoughts below


its long overdue +1


Why would they even make an updated model, only to not update the already existing one? <_<

Like half a year prior to the Kungstiger I made a bug report how the Tiger II (P) model is outdated, lacking volumetric and armor overlap on the turret front.

Now we have a new model but they don’t replace the old one.


Well, think of the KV-85 turret when they updated the IS-1, think of the Churchill III hull when they added the NA75, think of most T-34s when the D-5T got updated…
One good thing they did is updating the Ferdinand shortly after adding the Elefant, sad thing this didn’t become a trend


Isn’t one the prototype of the other

Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P needs a major remodel since the model itself looks like circa 1997 complete with issues & errors such as a convenient floating turret that results in incoming rounds being channeled into the turret ring, missing Nebelwurfgerät, incorrect armor thicknesses around the MG port & ball mount, an incorrect armor thickness of 80 mm on its cupola, & machine guns without a Panzerlauf which incorrectly protrude from the mantlet & ball mount:

In fact, the in-game model is so substandard & low grade that by sheer coincidence, the additional bolted on 100 mm armor plate conveniently does not cover the plate behind it (problem with the game’s Ferdinand & Elefant as well), almost as if some biased prankster decided to add a super (not so) secret bolshevik exploit™ in order to deliberately bypass 200 mm worth of armor:


The turret doesn’t “float”.

The turret ring is just more exposed since the front plate isn’t protruding above the hull roof armor, like with the Tiger H1 and E.

Incorrect. Compare the VK 45.01 (P) with the Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P in the hanger. Zoom in and look very very closely. Or here is a quick gif made my myself:


More super secret armor bypassing bolshevik exploits™. Also, gaijin does not understand proportions. Compare the jack mounted on the frontal armor…


What I can see is that the VK does have that extending upper front plate, however the armor model doesn’t match the visual model.


So there seem to be several issues with the models.

Did you ever make a report on that?

Call me crazy but I don’t think there should be a 80mm armor ring behind the turret either:


But this is actually part of the volumetric turret model on the Tiger E:


Someone did some on the VK 45.01 (P)/Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P on the old forums but nothing was ever fixed

Here is a better picture of the floating turret:


I wish they updated more regularly and consistently older models. I always love it when they do it.

The game really should be up to the latest standards, so all of the relevant outdated models should be eventually updated-

Im shocked you want it to be easier to kill, since its already dead meat, lol.

If it’s historically accurate then it is what it is.

I’d love to see more attention to WW2 vehicles and the like.

Oh im not complaining, I want things to be accurate, I just thing the phrasing in the post is funny since the II P dies so easily already.

Game is wrong with 100 mm for the turret front:

My guess is that gaijin used measurements from bovington’s ‘Porsche Tiger II’ which is a Versuchs model

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That’s interesting, also it’s further crippled by the front being cast instead of rolled in game

This annoys me so much. Because the NA75 sloped glacis is the correct construction angle and it’s a massive difference in LOS thickness.

I bug reported all the wrong angles like 7 years ago and still not fixed.

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Crazy. It always bothered me how the sloped glacis plate was like the weakest part of the armor.

Good to know, it was in fact wrong.