Tiger 114: The *Real* Last Tiger

The French need French vehicles in their tree

Not German.
There are always anomalies irl.

Sometimes a T34-57 faced a king tiger.
Do you also want that for realism?

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god you have the worst takes.


Im only arguing that captured vehicles should not be added for ANY nation. Not just Germany
Idk why you think that.

I could say the same to you but i don’t attack you for having them

Please no tiger tanks for the allies, cold war sim is already ruined, why do you want to ruin ww2 sim too. They added the m44 and both allies and axis have it, you want a tiger 1 in sim too?

Also, france has alot of produced vehicles, keep the copy and paste suggestions away


And what heavy tanks did France produce which could fill the gap between the ARL-44 at 5.3 and the AMX-50s at 7.7? There are none. On the other hand, there are various light tanks tanks which could support a 6.0 line-up with a French Tiger I.

Furthermore, the French Tiger I was in service with the French army after WW2. This vehicle along with the Tiger II (which was also in French service after WW2 and officially registered with the French army) should both be included in the French tech tree as they represent an important part of French military history immediately after WW2. There are also no indigenous developments which could fill the gap I mentioned earlier.

It’s funny German mains are complaining about France receiving one of their important vehicles; meanwhile they have no issue with trying to claim a Swiss F-18 (one of America’s important vehicles and never even in German service!) for their own tech tree because it will ‘fill a gap’.

Also, @KnightFelix , you wouldn’t happen to have any info on this Tiger I having a registration number (or numéro d’immatriculation)?


Last i checked subtrees are not the same as captured vehicles

Also France literally just got three subtrees.
Use something from them.
Germany also has no armour around the 8.0 to 10.0 range.
Doesn’t mean they deserve it

There, I fixed it for you. It still doesn’t detract from the fact that German mains are asking for a vehicle they have nothing to do with. France has a legitimate claim to both Tiger I and IIs.


Why did you even quote me if you were going to change the whole thing lol

And FYI Germany is asking for a subtree. While France is asking for captured vehicles.
France already has 3 subtrees.
Is it do wrong for germany to have 1??
Which btw is reflected irl?
Look up DACH


alright so by this logic america can get pantsir s1e mig 21 mig 17 mig 25 panther tiger 1 tiger 2 when they add russia can get sturm tiger tiger 2 tiger 1 panther leopard 2a5 and a6 m1 abrams and challenger mk2s there are logical reasons for adding the swiss f18 but now we have eurofighter f18 is no longer needed just like how tiger 1 is not needed in france


But none of these were officially in service were they?

Vehicles that were officially in French service.

Grasping at straws, are we now?


thank you for further explaining my point with better wording.


there captured vehicles that where used for training

Did that stop them being captured vehicles?

Beleive and think what you want.
Doesn’t make it fact

majority of the nato line up right now would go to russia which makes no sense

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Still in French service after the war is over. So it’s not exactly similar to other captured vehicles already present in game.


So it will simply be either a 50$ pack premium or an event premium that 90% of the community will not bother grinding. Have fun either way.

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Good lord, what happened here?

To get back on topic, a neat suggestion regarding Tiger 114 is that Gaijin do what WG does when implementing vehicles currently being restored.

Ie have a little partnership of sorts with Saumur and have a certain percentage of the funds raised from selling it as a pack premium donated to Saumur to help fund the restoration—just a thought. I for one would totally buy that sort of pack


ykw, now that is a suggestion i can get behind, i like the way you think