Thrust Vectoring missiles issues in WT should be adressed right now for the future of the game

Currently three missiles in game are using TVC (Thrust Vectoring Control): SRAAM, R73/73E and the newly introduced MICA EM.

The issue with these missiles is that due to the challenge that it is to code thise “new” type of technology in game. The missiles that use and rely on this technology to maneuver suffer many issues that can seriously hinder their capabilities in combat.

The most common issues for all these missiles is the fact that if you launch them at low speed and close range to your target on a High Off BoreSight(HOBS) shots the missile will be so unstable it can flatspin and fall out of the sky.

The second common issue with these missiles is the fact they are extremely wobbly across their path which significantly reduce the range at which the missiles will manage to hit their target properly.

Now let’s take the topic a little bit further and look into the future of the game.
We know MICA IR are curently in the game files, at least it’s 3D model, meaning in the future gaijin will add more TVC missiles. The problem is that currently the flat spin and wobbling issues happen to missiles that respectively pull 20G(SRAAM), 40G(R73) and 50G(MICA EM).
Now in the future we might see the R74, AIM9X, IRIS-T, PL10, AAM5… All these missiles pull between 60G and 80G with TVC and are even used in some ground to air systems to intercept low flying targets the fact these pull even harder than the previously mentionned missile mean they will practically be unusable for any close range shots while it is the essence of their existence. Which is why we players and people who are interested in improving the game must make Gaijin understand TVC missiles problems need to be fixed ASAP in order for the game to continue to evolve.

This thread is made for people who’d like to test and report any of the problems mentionned above on all missiles actually present in game. Any video, picture, description might help so do not hesitate and use this thread to gather examples of TVC missiles failures to make the Thrust Vectoring technology issues adressed as fast as possible for the game to have a bright future in that area.


Can’t record, don’t have the software, but MICA just failed a 6km launch due to wobbling itself out of energy so it couldn’t reach the target. MICA does need a bit of unfucking. Head on launch, maintained a lock to try help it, target maneuvered a bit, missile spun out.