Thoughts on gamemode idea

I was wondering about a gamemode that could take war thunder back to it’s roots at top tier. No smart weapons except AAMs (input please) this means no IR guided, TV guided or mouse guided munitions for air vehicles (with the exception of those mouse aimed AAMs (input please) and GPS munitions (input please)) and in return, no SPAA past IR guided missiles (input please). You’d still get radar SPAA and ballistic computers but it would be more in tune with what we used to have, and may help provide a balanced and for lack of a better term, more dumbed down version of ground battles as a complimentary game type, like having it’s own matchmaking like what separates GAB/GRB/AAB/ARB/GSB/ASB.

What are your thoughts on something like that?

Edit: Helicopters will stay too, but with less advanced armament or at the very least shorter range armament (input please).

Edit 2: Also wondering if thermals should be disabled for this gamemode (input please).

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Just play low ranks.

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Tbh i dont rly like this
Its hella unrealistic and weird
If u want this type of gameplay just play low mid tier

And you think the current gameplay is realistic?

Look, this is just an idea that might bring the fun back to top tier, it’s why I suggest it as a separate thing because people like the two of you might not be interested. I want to play with my Abrams and my F-16/15/etc but currently it’s just frustrating and depressing, I don’t really like the low-mid tier tanks because I prefer the modern stuff.

I don’t get why people have to constantly bring down and belittle others for not liking the same thing they do, it just makes me more depressed and makes me not care about what you have to say. Mr Asian name in particular.

We want the most realistic while still being fun
I personally have fun in top tier only problem i find is short matches due to 1 death leavers and some unbalance such as pantsir or mbt missing armor like merkava and abrams
I dont rly die to cas as ppl say they are and i dont understand
cas in mid tier and low tier is way stronger cus spaa takes way more skill
In top tier fir nato u have the ito and flarakrad are pretty good also adats is decent after the buffs just missing some range
For east u have pantsir and the new tor which are amazing
Only russia cas is a bit too strong but the rest are ok

What nation do you play?

Please avoid any insults.