Basically title, What are your guy’s thoughts if artillery was able to launch different shells?
Instead of shooting HE shells, it could fire smoke or napalm in a large area. As well as shrapnel and AP shell’s for a more specific damage.
There could also be more very specific shells like illumination shells for night and (Long shot but)
Possibly guided artillery for top tier. (Basically adding a laser pointer for increased accuracy on a target)
And for the geneva suggestion, Chemical shells! Doing moderate damage to crew in open top tank’s. Like napalm but airborne!
Thought’s? (Both call in artillery and player controlled)
HE, smoke and AP would be enough. Schrapnel would be fine if all other tanks which fired it, could use it too (right now only Soviet lowtier, but there are many more, like vehicles with 90mm French guns or future Belgian CATI 90)
We don’t need napalm or guided shells, most battles are close quarter and stuff like PzH doesn’t see top tier anyway.
HEAT shells would be cool, too (ofc if actually used)
Having larger smoke shells would be very handy. But all smoke shells are currently standardized to be the exact same regardless of their IRL stats, sadly. Even for 150mm+ guns.
Edit: Is this talking about player vehicles (SPGs), or the artillery strike call-in?
Illumination shells for night battles would be great. Gaijin needs to make night battles darker, though, like starlight. Right now, every night battles is a full moon, and it just feels extremely underwhelming.
Smoke shells, too. I would pay Gaijoobles THOUSANDS of rubles to have the power of smoking up an entire cap point’s area.
For arty strikes, no. Smoke shells would be a great tool for griefing and general annoyance. Guided shells, maybe. I imagine they would drop directly at the point of the map you choose rather than having a random area of effect, so you’d have a smaller but much more accurate arty drop, maybe with an increase to its calling and cooldown timers. It might work.
For general player use, I’d like to see more stuff like canister and flechette rounds. I don’t care if they’re situational at best, turning your tank’s gun into a massive shotgun would be pretty cool.
The artillery strike should be completely removed all together, its a relic from the past when Gaijin needed to compete with that ‘other tank game’ and needed to shove artillery in the game somehow (and it also helped with camping) but now almost a decade later, with cas, helicopters, guided ammuntion, scouting system, spotting drones, smoke grenades and shells, etc. all that can help limit camping makes this click on a map for orbital strike nonsense complete redundant
Maybe flare rounds could work. A small radius where any tank inside is marked on the map as if they’re scouted. It would stay on after they left the circle but for a much shorter time than if they were actually scouted.
For the different variations you could add a little SP charge, like on guided and AP. I believe that Smoke, Illumination, and guided would be the most useful ones.
As for player controlled vehicles: If you have evidence X fired Y, post it and toss in a little poll cause I am all for HAA getting more shell types than just: HE, HE but odd, HE but AA, Smoke.
Also, as for guided shells I feel like having a laser designator for better precision but afaik there is no dedicated “Guided Artillery Shell” outside of what I’d presume includes Tomahawks.
Note: I guess stuff like the M982 Excalibur exists, though it’s GPS Guided. It can also be fired by (LATER) M109 series and PzH2000 HAAs
One slight issue I see with player controlled vehicles getting GPS guided shells is the ability to just designate the enemy spawn and start lobbing them, and I also believe they’re meant for longer range engagements