My KD fighting against this thing head-on is currently 1-5, yes bro only managed to kill only one and lost 5 vehicles to it, to make the matter worse, I thought it’s because I’m sending 8.3 vehicles against it so I could bully it, but nope, the armor is very effective and it managed to bounce the apfsds from T95E1, APDS from M60 AOS and M60A2, few times I penned it through the area near the gun and only delete 2 crews, then getting OHKO by it.
None of the USA 8.3 can head-on this thing despite +1br higher, or you need something like M111 to head-on this thing else it will always kill you lol
Shoot out the barrel first, then shoot the tracks, drive around it and shoot the side/back.
But as long as you have shot out the barrel and it doesn’t have backup you should be okay.
Alternatively you bring HE rounds and shoot the cupula.
HEAT on cupola? It’s a chemical ammunition but it don’t causes ovepressure on such armored vehicle.
Shoot the lower glacis on the right side, you should take the gunner and with luck hit ammunition placed there if you don’t have nothing but HEAT to surpass the upper glacis of the superstructure.
The gun on the french tutel is actually stronger than the one on the T-10M in terms of flat pen and angle pen, just minus the explosive, no wonder why it just straight out deleted my ass
Why study so much bro? nowadays all you had to do is become a succesful tiktoker bro create your own brand, post anything and once you gain enough followers you can start selling craps, get sponsors and collab and then get laid by 9.5s chicks because you are famous, and watch them money rolling in and laugh that people who stuck at 9-5
Meh, not my thing. I study because i like it, it feels super fulfilling when i understand something new and i’m able to do mathematical predictions and see them actually work in practice. It’s just so cool ^^ Sure, tiring, but worth it :)
but honestly its a skill issue, it has just 40mm of side armor, and its theoretically insane hard hitting shells are magically bouncing off any +55deg plate, even from Panther’s ufp, so it’s really choice of your vehicle that matters. Ah, just remembered that it also has reload speed nerfed by around additional +4 sec
This legit just isn’t realistic but alright. Whats your famous tiktok, whats your brand, what sponsors and collabs do you have, and what chicks have you hit?