THIS gets overlooked when people discuss the F-117A in War Thunder

Does this take into account the vastly different BR’s? 8.7 vs. 10.7?

What are the reward multipliers for RP and SL for the Nighthawk?

There are also separate multipliers for loadouts, these multipliers gives you points in the battle for destroying bases. You can find it only in datamines.
I think these multipliers should be increased for the Nighthawk because of fact, you can’t destroy whole base with these bombs.

Here are some examples:

I sent you a PM about something I’ve found in the F-4E Flight Manual, about CCRP.

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How would this affect it? After reading one of the comments it seems it’s a fixed system that is calculated per load out. Someone named an example for an F-4 where a lower load out for 1 base gives more points than max load out and 1.5 base.

Am on Xbox so can’t check in the dev server. Those also get adjust regularly so not sure anything available for that would be definitive.

428% RP/ 495% SL rewards in Tim’s variety dev server vid for Air RB.
Compare to the A-4E squadron vehicle, also Br 8.7, 214% RP/ 330% SL.
So that is very interesting! Not final yet and don’t know about sim rewards.

yeah that should be these values right? Last patch, or maybe the one before, those values started getting displayed in the load out menu in game.

I’m not sure what these values mean ;)
I have to do some research.

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I think yhe value in game is the resulting value of the individually added (or rather subtracted from total) that you see in the datamines.