There's a problem with USS Gearing

…And it’s the AA armament. The rear 20mms seem to be disconnected from their actual physical Mounts when firing, and not only that, they fire opposite of wherever they’re supposed to be shooting…

This has been bug-reported in the appropriate place, but since it’s just been ignored for two years, I’ve decided to bring it up here seeing as Gearing is one of my favorite ships and this cripples her AA armament.

For anyone else replying, I suppose state any bugs with your favorite ships :P


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Problem with that is OP of the bug report thread closed it, so I don’t know if anyone from Gaijin knows this is still an issue.

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Man I thought this will be a topic about uptiering gearing to 5.0 :)

…which should happen, this thing is an absolute beast.

I’d say Naval needs decompression as a whole. Given we have different aircraft BRs for GRB and ARB now, Gaijin could theoretically stretch air BRs for naval up to 13.7 for current 7.0 aircraft and do some serious decompression.

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We dont have enough ships to fill that much space. Decompression to 7.7-8.0 would be enough imo.

With all that said gearing can easily be 5.0 without decompression, as it is sidegrade to moffett.

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Yes - Naval decompression requires new BR’s for all aircraft that can be used - having WW1 era dreadnoughts facing Korean War or later jets is apparently a step too far even for Gaijin at this point!

So decompression isn’t’ going to happen (IMO) until we see some sign of unique BR’s for aircraft in naval - Gaijin did say that they are going to do this for naval, so keep an eye out for it.