The War Thunder Roadmap for Spring to Summer 2024

A fuel slider is a change thats been needed for years but one thing that needs to still be changed especially for bombers is the removal of the constraints so you can bring less than 1-2 hrs of fuel on bombers there’s no reason that the min fuel should be anything higher than 30m on heavy bombers


Still no decompression in Korean War era jets tier and early supersonic jets tier?

Really bruh.

Seems I need to wait until 2026.


I have seen. I am specifying that I am specifically disappointed that the BASE RP and SL multipliers have not been increased. The grind is, in my opinion, still very long. Foldering the trees and increasing multipliers on many vehicles is a nice touch, but there’s a reason I specified BASE multipliers.


Since the first update will include training for ARH, will Fox-3 also be in the patch? Or is this just for phoenixes?

I think the decompression have been done in addition to the roadmap, at least thats how it was in 2023. Anyhow, the separate BRs for different game modes would probably raise some currnet 10.0 and 10.3 jets to a higher BR in Air


All that sound really good !

About healing crew, it would be nice to make IFVs acting like medics, and could help healing others (why not replacing dead crew too, depending on how many the IFV can hold troops ) ?

it would increase teamplay possibilities.


Looks like a huge W

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Ooo i like that man. That would be cool

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I am a bit sad that there is nothing for us naval players but otherwise it looks promising.

I would also like to see some more changes in terms of gamemodes, lest hope we will see something like that in the roadmap for the latter half of the year.


I’m surprised it happened, but the method of select vehicles was the expected solution.
Fair feature, I hope people aren’t mad when Ayit doesn’t change BRs. XD

I’m glad my suggestion to complicate helicopter damage models is happening; this will help a lot.

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I am missing two things in the roadmap. One feature that was already announced: Severe damage for aircraft in air battles. And one feature that I’ve seen suggested quite a lot of times: A pity system for the matchmakes, which makes it so that you can be top tier once in a while guaranteed, which would be especially helpful on the lower BRs as you are bottom tier basically every time until you reach 6.0


That would be, especially for American planes that carry 500 / 2000s separately

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Yeah, all-apect missile spammers can move up to higher BR but, we still has problem because supersonic jets still face against pre 1953 jets.

F-104As and MiG-19s should not face them to begin with, and at best even F-100s should only face them when Korean War era jet get full uptier game.


And the br system?? When fix the br system? So the 9.3 plane without flare vs 30G all aspect rocket its fine… okey…


so they’re adding call of duty calling cards now? I don’t think they wanna be subtle about it anymore like with the map shrinking idea


This looks awesome. I’m mostly excited for the fuel slider and the seperate flares and chaff ability, but when will we get smaller Air RB matches? Having like 300 missiles in one match is pretty inconvenient
The roadmap looks awesome though!

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Would you rather the game be monetized by harmless cosmetics or frustration-based mechanics? I’m really skeptical Gaijin will dial the suffering down any, but it is their starting point to do it if they choose to.


So about research bonuses for new nations(Does that mean that if you perhaps have some nation at tier IV research bonus wont be applied)

  • Research bonuses for new nations. After obtaining a top vehicle of one nation (such a vehicle will be clearly marked in the research tree), a bonus is added to the research of vehicles of this type in other nations, where the top-tier vehicles have not yet been received. The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. Fourth update of the year (October-November 2023).

And is bonus given for each nation seperately where you have top tier researched? For example If you got American and german top tier researched you get bonuses for 6 battles instead of 3.

And are those battles counted seperately between ground, air and naval?

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The fuel slider will be a great change, as long as it starts at zero. If it’s just adjusting between the current min-max levels then don’t bother with the effort.

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I just fear some monkey paw stuff as usual with this company
You can change it to other items, but now wagers and orders also have a two day limit.

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