The upgraded Netz should also come to the tech tree

The premium Netz might be a bit better than the tech tree one but the Lavi would be a good addition.

So War Thunder is a Pay to Win game

Yes, it is. Premium tanks have camo nets which make them better, bushes for GE make your tank stealthier.

+1, they took literally every bug reported feature, created the best (it’s finally not faded) livery to date on an israeli jet and made it a premium.

No body asked for this, and no body is happy that the tt F-16A is now irrelevant, this is blatant P2W and I’m not impressed


at this point i am losing my entire respect to this company (had no before anyways). Which person at gaijin thought. Yeah an F-18 and an F-16 prem, in one update would be good. WHO WHO WAS THAT


Not just better, but actually getting the things that the Netz had historically. At this point the tech tree Netz is just a American F-16A in Israeli colors.


The Netz we have is supposed to be the “upgraded variant”, it’s a bug and gaijin is selling the fix as a new aircraft entirely.

This information is wrong, my apologies.


Gaijin is probably the first company to sell bug fixes for 80 euros


and a higher BR


Yeah it makes no sense, pythons aren’t a reason for such a br difference


the upgraded netz shouldve been foldred with the one in the tech tree. israel on the other hand could have still got a f16 premium this update (unique one) ~ F16 IaI ACE , a modified experimental f16B equiped with israeli avionics and upgraded mfds. it has the armament is basic : Aim-9L,Aim9M,Python3,python4,Derby,agm65B,paveways . it has the ELM-2032 pulse doppler advanced radar aswell as other EW systems

f16 ace cokpit irl

aia ace

ace f16 cokpit

PhlyDaily said in a recent video he genuienly believes Gaijin is run by AI, and i couldnt agree more with that statement xD


gaijin is just hungry for money and its so obvious to see


Please come pitch in on this, need yalls help! This might be the only way we get a new vehicle that isn’t a 80$ premium:

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This thread can be locked if necessary since the appropriate thread under the dev server section has been created as posted above

But, the Di is tech tree…

Didnt used to be

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It originally wasn’t in the tech tree on the server, intended to only be a premium until community backlash
Could be a bit more respectful aswell, it costs nothing :)

Looking back at the history of Identical vehicles being added in TT and Premium, the Su-25T and Su-39, the M1A2 Clickbait and M1A2, and a slew of others.