The type of projectile filler in br365 maybe the same in br412b

I find two pictures from WW2 Equipment Data: Soviet Explosive Ordnance - 85mm and 100mm Projectiles. It shows that the type of projectile filler in br365 maybe the same in br412b instead of tnt, so the current explosive mass maybe less than it should be.

Pictures are here.

Oh no. Overpressure 85 APHE is going to be thing.

It’s kinda strange how the 85mm is the only round that has TNT filler instead of the typical A-IX-2.

AFAIK, Early soviet 76mm and 45mm APHE have pure TNT filler as well.

Probably. Same with early aircraft cannon shells.
But then they replaced everything with A-IX-2.

I mean the BR-350A was a different design that was replaced by the B, so the BR-350A would probably not have anything other than TNT.

The Markings in Soviet Ordnance Manuals tend to say otherwise.



And what about the BR-365? Does it say TNT or A-IX-2?

And whats the date on those?



Well, I guess that means no overpressure BR-365 for Soviet and Chinese players.