The top tier Leopard 2 problem, attrition and time to kill

They pretty much just like Russia shoot weak spot like LFP and it die but for some reason people like to shoot it UFP and look surprise when it not pen.

Tends to kill 1-2 crew member. Or even (for some reason) make zero spalling and hit only engine.
Untill some megamind leaves shells in hull storage.

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I don’t have such a problem. Git gud if you have

This thread is somehow strange, cause I die in my 2A7 to frontal single shots all the time. Even 3bm42 easily takes you out. Driver port, lower chassis, gun mantlet. Especially driver port is a kill switch as well as the gun mantlet.

There is just one small area on the UFP which is able to withstand enemy fire. How hard is it not to hit

2A7V is really far worse than the swedes, the armor is not what most have expected for a tank 30 years more advanced and with alot more weight into armor.

it is poorly made but its more like because they didnt test the new “improved” damage model they wanted a damage model more reallistic and with more details than the old leopard damage model so they made a new one that of course since it wasnt tested it came out with too much bugs such as for example the hull armor has some problems with 2 plates making it so when a shell enters it dosent register the composite at times wich causes the hull to some times get penetrated and some times it dosent

I think gaijin knew that 2A7V have better armor than strv122 but just too what i should call? try to be an A-hole? to make it right for some reason

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It is actually quite simple. As an opponent of German tanks, you got into the habit of not having to aim to penetrate armor. Now suddenly there is a german tank which behaves like a Russian tank and can even take a shot. The only comment I can think of: It must be a skill problem. The same thing that affects nations as soon as they can’t penetrate a T tank head-on. You could shoot at the weak spots? :-D


that may be the reason of why a lot of people dont like this but its weird they had an even harder to pen tank for quite a few years by now the STRV122 and its just like fighting a slightly worse armored STRV122 didnt they learn how to aim at those?

sound more like Russian main to me when they shooting at 122 UFP then surprise that it didn’t pen

what ? leotard new dmg model ? when where ? :O

2A7V uses a new damage model its more like they are testing the new DM with the 2A7V and well it ended up with hundreds of bugs like always when they dont test stuff


@UnHolySausage The PSO, has problems with the Damage model as well, so that hopefuly gets fixed as well

hopefully that gets fixed too

Yeah and than u have tanks like Merkava that die in 1 hit anywhere

Challenger 1 hit anywhere

It’s a complete joke

Did you misunderstand about “need to be correction?” it not the same as ask for buff also this topic about Leopard 2 so nobody here care about Merkava or Challenger they need buff ofc but it’s not the stuff that need to talk about here

Your reading comprehension is bad please leave me alone

I for one am having an absolute terrible time fighting leopards in T90M.

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I have a doubt, whenever I talk about L2A7V is too op for this version, there is always a group of Chinese who appear and attack why its chinese?

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that is because the t90m sucks and t80bvm is still better then it

B-b-but muh Russian bias!!!


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