The Su-30SM is running out of fuel too fast

The Su-30SM engine thrust is significantly smaller than that of the Su-27SM and has a much larger fuel tank, but I found that the Su-30SM consumes much more fuel than the Su-27SM, is this normal?

Su-30SM has the same amount of fuel for one.

The Su-30SM engines consume 433kg/min of fuel each, the Su-27’s engine consumes 431.28kg/min of fuel each.

Su-27SM’s engines consume 443.9kg/min of fuel each.

So no, the Su-30SM’s engines are correct in fuel consumption.

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eh why does it consume more? should be the same as the 27S no?

Either slightly more thrust than the Su-27 or slightly worse efficiency from the longer engine and nozzle behavior.
Either way it’s only a 3kg/min difference and won’t really change anything.

Unless you’re talking about Su-27SM’s engines, and that’s just cause more thrust.

I understand the FM1 technically is larger diameter wise (I forgot the specific number), so I understand the bigger fuel burn