The Su-22M4 WTD61

Hi Community! I was just wondering if I should get the Su-22M4 WTD-61? If was gonna go for it I’d probably will put it on my Christmas list if it was worth it. Otherwise, I’d probably won’t get it for myself if it was worth it. Thank You, and a Merry Christmas!

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I mean, if you want a premium CAS who’s version already exists in the TT, then get it.
I prefer the Tornado, as it’s a German design, but it lacks any CAS.
Personally, I don’t have it, and won’t get it. Super cool skin though.

It’s more for a “short-cut” to get to the Eurofighter, but at the same time i’ll still use it.

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I used the SPS-K back in the day to get the Mig29 :')

I bet its probably pretty good at base bombing for the grind, granted I haven’t used either versions of it, not much of a CAS person myself.

If you’re gonna grind, I suggest getting a premium mig-21 cuz grinding with the fitters or tornados is pure pain rn.
Unless you plan to use the WTD-61 as a fighter (6 x R-60MKs) which can be done sure but a mig-21 would be leagues better.
Although yeah u can use the WTD-61 as CAS later on as well, and the KH-29T can sometimes hit air targets too (its basically an ultra short range 5G A-A missile in rear aspect and somewhat decent range 5G missile in front aspect)


The Su-22M4 WTD61 is new and therefore won’t be discounted during the Christmas sales. Just something to consider before buying it, if you decide to do so.

Thx for the heads up, I appreciate it!

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