The "Silent Killer" Missile - MBDA MICA - Performance and Discussion Thread (WIP)

With the 2xMICA loadout, it’s current top tier and following one, that the guy is intending to fight with even with premium,…

As it was before,… yet it’s still worse than most it’s opponent airframe wise. → 3rd gen carrying Fox-3’s are made to fight 4th gen, with lower cost,… so minimal BR intended is current 12.0/12.3

Which would be denied, as they denied the quality of the R.550 Magic-2, still subpar to reality today after a “major fix” of the missile.

Currently they have no excuses for not fixing G load of Magic 2 BUT if they plan to release another major fix to it then they may be waiting for the addition of PL9s and Python 4 to increase G load because Magic 2 IRCCM once buffed will be savage. That coupled to 50G will make it a free kill machine(Cf: why it’s perfs have been denied for so long). MICA on the other hand is TVC(Already on R73 so not a problem) and is ARH so arguably easier to counter in some way that the full capability Magic 2 + most ARH missile will be between 35 and 50G of maneuvering hence why MICA(EM at least) will have a lot less problem to come complete than Magic 2s that would have been litteral FREE KILLS at the time and still would be now the Mirage 4000 will acquire a whole new threat level once Magic 2 will be fixed for example. And don’t come like “But it’s France Gaijin can always fuck us up” NO because all nations will have similar performing missiles and MICA won’t be far superior; btw to simplify things : If there is R77 and AIM 120C/RB99/PL12/AAM4 in game MICA EM will be a must have and won’t be nerfed at all as R77 can pull between 40-50G when it has energy then 30-35G when it loses energy; AIM 120 types of missile uses two plane so when they have energy they’ll be able to go 50G and then 35G when they lose energy and MICA TVC go 50G and maybe can go up to 55G as many sources state MICA is 50G+ with TVC and fall to 30-35 when it loses energy. MICA EM is in no way a comparable case to Magic 2 as Magic 2 we’re clearly a wonder for their time compaared to any other missile that existed.

Comparing it to MICA-IR even the full Magic-2 would perform sadly in comparison ^^"

Hence why i agree with DirectSupport when he says they’ll probably lock MICA IR behind Rafale F2 and will probably never make it available for 5F

Would be sad,… but yeah,…

The problem is that Gaijin is unable to provide fair BR, instead of the overcompressed one.

Well i get and don’t get their point at the same time as finding an equilibrium between Ranks + Brs + Matchmaking time coordination is touchy. Because technically in terms of planes imo we could have Rank 9 with ARH missiles but subidividing things more and more may have impact on matchmakings like currently in 16V16 you have like 2-10 secs of matchmakings at the high ranks 5-8 but in fact i caan understand the logic behind the overcompression we have currently because thing is that if they introduce like BR 14-15 to decompress the matches some matchmaking would take ages to start as some BRs are almost unplayed and anyway spacing would decrease matchmaking speed anyway as vehicles would be way more separated than they are currently it would help for balance but not for QoL in the end. Like if Gaijin wanted to decompress Br with a BR 14-15 atm they’d need to add tons of variants/protos/fillers in Tech Trees so that lineups for some BR have players and vehicles otherwise you’d be left with 2-3 vehicles lineup which is the problem behing the current compression but they could already introduce 13.0 imo but the game would stil be compressed anyway.

Not really,… as i don’t think we need that much, but also because most decompression should be done in 9.0-10.0 area ^^"

Still what most people don’t undesrstand when talking BRs(maybe not you idk) is that there is so much compression at some BRs(like from 5.0 to 11.0 things are overcompressed as fuck) that it would take 2 to 3 more BRs to the game to decompress these specific BRs but then the BRs that are not compressed atm would be too “decompressed” and this would heavily impact quality of matchmaking and lineups for a proper decompression tyo happen we’d need way more modern and WW2/1 vehicles so that some nations BRs just aren’t big holes with like 3 vehicles.
Like the most blatant example i can use is BR 8-11(improvement of your estimation) because for ground there is the differences between stab tanks, apfsds equipped tanks, composite armor… and in air there is the diff made by high perf missiles on low performing airframes vs low performin missiles on high performing aiframes, flares equipped planes, RWR intsalled on a plane and so on and so forth and just these issues imo need 1 to 2 more Brs to be adressed but then it would affect lower and higher BRs quite much. Balance is hard to find as technology evolved really fast arround those years.

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Was just speculation but yeah, we do know that Gaijin loves to lock new missiles behind new planes. Even the Rafale F.2 might not get MICA IR, who knows, just MICA EM and Magic 2.

Mirage 2000-5F: MICA EM, Magic 2
Rafale F.2: MICA EM, Magic 2 (same weapons but new airframe, TV/IRST, MAWS, LWS, new radar, better flight performance)
Rafale F.3: MICA IR
Rafale F.4: Meteor missiles
Rafale F.5 (Set to be delivered to France in 2027): MICA NGs

Rafale F.1 already is locked with Magic-2 and MICA-EM
I don’t see why F.2 should be too.

(And maybe we will see an F.3R in the middle ^^")

Don’t forget the Mirage 2000D RMV with MICA IR ^^

What i think would be the best program of addition for the Rafale would be :

Rafale M F1 at first with just MICA EM and Magic 2, after the Mirage 4000.
Rafale C F2 with small A2G capabilities and MICA IR, after the Mirage 2000-5F
Rafale B F3 with full A2G capabilities, including Damocles pod and some GBU, after the Mirage F1CT.
Rafale M F3R with Meteor missile.
Rafale C F4 with 2 new missiles pilons, allowing up to 8 MICA

I would not speculate about how they will do, because the possibilites are wide : we have at least 3 standards (F2/F3/F4) that can be fitted with 3 variants (C/B/M) and the F1 standard for the Rafale M : 10 possibilities, up to 13 with the F3R standard and the number can go even higher. I would just say that the F3R can be skipped in favor of the F4 to be able to carry 2 more missiles.

Anyway, about the 2000 they can do that but we are speculating, maybe they will add the MICA IR together with the EM or maybe not, but whatever they do i think we will at least see the MICA IR with the 2000D RMV.

I don’t see why the mirage 2000CS5 and 20005F could not get access to their MAWs, especially when you have aim 9ms free kills in simulator

F5 : RBE2 XG + upgrade of all SPECTRA suite modules sensitivity and detection range

I was thinking they’d skip Rafale F.1 since it’s exclusive to Rafale M, and instead add Rafale F.2 for C, B, and M.

Unfortunately Rafale F.2 has no way of providing laser capability for itself. I’d be happy to be wrong.

Gaijin is dragging their feet on that. But maybe we’ll see it when fox 3s drop.

Yes, plus more decreased RCS through DEDIRA program, no clue how they will achieve that.

They will probably because honestly as of now only advantage of Rafale F1 over 2000-5F would be Radar and Airframe it’s too poor of a change as F1 won’t even have A2G that 5F has in game. F2 with MICA IR or Magic 2 as you said is more likely to happen because OSF + MICA IR would intore a real step ahead in what France capabilities in Air can be.

but it shouldn’t,…