The saddening situation bombers are in

Flying a bomber is a full time job - gunning is a full time job. You can’t do both at the same time (i mean you can, especially with a M/KB but not everyone uses those).

OR… allowing multiple people share a bomber so one person could control guns and the other control the plane. - and for sim the gunner should be in individual gunner views from ADS type views.


Honestly, I’d love to see some historically-based scenarios that build on your ideas, especially after watching “Masters of the Air.” Why can’t there be a bomber mission to a target and you know when the scenario loads so you can pick a bomber? Fill out the formation with 'bot bombers as you suggest for rounding out the formation. It’d be pretty amazing to play against a wing-attack on a point target.

There are 3 main improvements I’d like to see for heavy bombers

  1. RB EC. Give RB players a decently sized map where they can use alt and “stealth” as a defensive. Plus more likely to only be attacked by 1 or 2 at a time and not swarmed. There would also alawys be something to bomb (For ARB just making the AF bomb-able would mean there was always a target to drop bombs onto)

  2. Damage model overhaul. Make it so that you get a hole in the wing instead of loosing the hole wing. Same for the tail etc. Should be signficantly harder for something with heavy machine guns to kill you in a 1 second burst of fire and this imo, comes from the fact bombers just have a fighter Damage modeled scaled up

  3. Air Decompress and Split BRs to be applied below 9.0. Many bombers have a BR based upon what they are like in GRB, like the Lancaster with the mega bombs. But in reality it should be a lot lower. Like 4.0 imo. based upon defensive loadout and top speed.

You could additionally increase their starting altitudes and redesign ARB to be wider, but that would be delaying tactics and not really large scale improvements


Im just picturing something like Holdfast comms but in a B-17 or the like in a Sim match.

No, no it shouldn’t. You see actual footage and such and Bomber defensive weapons are inaccurate. Should they be improved absolutely but as accurately as Naval AA, not a chance. It should be more reactive.

Allowing a teammate to man the guns would be awesome.

Saying that flying a bomber is a fulltime job is not true.

All you have to do is point at a mini-base, let the instructor fly you there, and let your bombs go.

Fighters should be rewarded for flying bomber escort, similar to the way tanks and ships receive points for staying close to repairing teammates. This would make air combat more interesting and strategic than the usual center-map furball, as well as give bombers a greater role in the match and chance for success.


A bonus for killing enemy fighters within 2km (ish) of a friendly bomber.

And make it good so fighters want to escort.

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Tu-4 best air superiority fighter, go afk and kill half the enemy team. Botters rejoice!


Yeah I remember the bad old days where AI gunners would open up at 900m and smash your engine and set you on fire.

I’d rather bombers got a damage model buff, but the gunners got left alone.

Players should need skill to get kills, not sit back drinking beer while the AI gunners keep you safe.


900m is being generous, they could do it a lot further if you were unlucky.

Anytime someone wants gunners to get buffed that’s my exact thought. Everyone else has to manually aim their guns to get a kill of any kind, but bomber players want to just go afk or play with one hand with zero situational awareness and get rewarded for it?
Maybe, at most, implement what someone else suggested above where you have to assign one target at a time for your gunners to shoot at.

Bomber damage model buff 100%, they need a lot more damageable sections and more section health here and there.

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Exactly, plus even with M/KB you can’t control flying well (you’re stuck with max pitch, roll, yaw controls).

They had a similar amount of inaccuracy as a fighter, with mouse aim both fighters and bombers should be equally accurate.

I’ve looked back at people’s gameplay from when AI gunners were actually useful and it was not bad at all. If anything, it was just balanced. AI gunners could still only shoot at one target at a time, bomber pilots could actually focus on flying and bombing, and fighters had to actually try and dodge rather than just point their nose at a bomber for a second or two.

One of the few reasons to help bombers in this game is to add more lower tier vehicles.
Because this will make sure there are more br decompressions around these br’s, making bombers more viable.

I made a poll on it too.

Bombers are, garbage, except in one thing, simulator, so, there’s that I guess, the Su-24 coming will practically be a bomber, but it has LGB’s and LDR’s like the Kh-29’s. So, I mean, bombers can be good, it’s just, you got play them strategically.

Like when I have burnout from fighters, either being too efficient (just making everyone look like their KDR is a dumpster fire) or not efficient (My KDR looks like a dumpster fire), I greatly enjoy switching to the B-17E, Me-264, and other bombers.

Considering we now have, massive radar emplacements in some air RB maps, maybe we see the rise of HARM’s or any anti-rad missiles:

Trying to dodge incoming fire with mouse/pointer aim whilst using your turrets manually is rather useless - as auto-pilot off in gunner mode.

You need to switch from mouse/pointer aim to Simplified Flight Controls - then u can still use your turrets with your mouse whilst you are able to dodge incoming fire properly.

and gaijin would here and there randomly make AI crash themself, making players lose SL for nothing (not to forget they already shit themself after taking most minor damage)

the only real solution, that would not only help bombers but also fighters and strike aircraft is the re-introduction of RB EC and maybe even removal of ARB as we know it

So you only want the historical enemy that suits you, right?

The B-29 can destroy most if not all of the bases in the game.

I’m just giving you an example. You want to make a crazy change without thinking about the negative consequences that would bring. Something very selfish in my opinion.

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The bomber problem is difficult to solve without breaking the game or redesigning air battles. I agree with some of the comments I’ve read from other users before, such as putting more modules on the bombers. This done in a logical way could balance the scales more, but it’s also true that any player with a minimum of experience using gunners will know how to defend themselves well with them. The complaint is that many “interceptor” planes, called because their function is to intercept bombers, destroy them easily. But what they don’t understand is that any other fighter plane can be easily shot down by gunners, since either they don’t have good performance at altitude, or they don’t have good weapons or armor, so in most cases two things happen:
1- You shoot them down
2- They don’t go after you because they know they can’t and that you have the advantage

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Historical enemies as so far as it improves gameplay, where the historical enemies (props) also improve gameplay. Exact historical enemies (MiG-15, for example) do not improve gameplay, they make it worse. There are some countries that still use T-34s, and the US currently fields the Abrams, should these be the same BR even though they historically could (and I’m pretty sure did) fight against one another?

And that is why I said the B-29 should be lowered in BR and the base HP adjusted.

I have thought about the consequences, and since there are plenty of other aircraft that could take out the B-29 outside of the A6M, moving the B-29 down is fine.

The above two statements are false.

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7.0 is enough

You can already destroy almost all the bases, what else do you want me to do?

Lowering it to 7.0 is more than enough

If for you they are false, then the problem is not with the bomber, it is with the skill issue.

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