The R-77 is terribly bad on its combat rating

In fact, the topic of BR is quite wide and if you think about it, you can recycle a lot of equipment in terms of their BR. When I wrote that it needs to be understated, I just meant that developers should at least do something to balance the game, and changing the BR is one of the ways

brother there is no point in telling russian speaking soviet mains that soviet equipment is actually garbage irl


So then the superior NATO equipment should receive a higher BR appropriate for being so superior to the Russian alternative.

LMAO!! Russia suffer moments in display
When Russia meta it’s fine but when it’s not it need lower BR hah lost count how many time i see something like this in display
other endured it for years from Russia dominate but this not even a year yet

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The R-77 and other ARH missiles aren’t getting removed. Sorry not sorry.

Just ask gaijin to model realistic drag characteristics to the missile, it’s supposed to have high amount of induced drag (as in higher drag when turning, but moderate drag in level straight flight).

Yea this is already talked about in the SU-27 post Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection - #4661 by MythicPi
The chaff resistant is also worse.

You’re going to get the arguments of the following:

  • Russian stuff is dogshit so they should just suffer.
  • Actually the SU-27 is good if you play good, no shit Sherlock.
  • BUTTTT!!! WHAT ABOUT THE R-27ER IN THE LAST PAST!!! (When the multipathing from last update was 100m, people somehow forgot the JA-39 was the king of last update.).

Could you not use the R-27ER against the AMRAAMs? That is what it was designed for IIRC

Yeah that works

Currently the R-77 itself is not that bad, but the J-11A/Su-27SM has quite a few bad features

This is the result of the wrong airframe, bad radar, and mediocre missiles.

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Wait aren’t you admitting that Flanker complainers have skill issue?

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You say the Flanker is good if you play good. People who complain that the Flanker sucks therefore suck at the game.

This is the same logic as Warthunder youtuber playing a shit plane and still do insanely good.

Hey man your words not mine

If so, then it’s not even about the plane that we can talk about, but about its missiles. The plane is good, there’s nothing to say. But the R-77s that stand on it are already essentially useless, because there is the R-27ER

Skill is a subjective opinion. And in comparing the characteristics of the aircraft, you can understand what is better and what is worse

Both are good. Both compliment each other.

I’m talking about the fact that the R-27ER can completely replace the R-77, this only means that like the FOX-3, the R-77 are not very useful and there is no sense from them in the game as from missiles 13 BR and above