because they dont have an history of constantly lying about their weapons capabiltiies
And that Migs and Sukhoi suddenly began to maneuver worse than modern aircraft? The Su-27 surpasses all U.S. aircraft except the F-22 in maneuverability.
Poland recently gave them all the Mig-29 aircraft, and before that Slovakia, as well as spare parts.
At an altitude of more than 5km, you still won’t be able to maneuver more than 5g.
spoken like someome completely clueless. the su27 beats its contemporaries in SOME scenarions, and it gets beaten in others. su27 ISNT and was never a supermaneuvearble aircraft like many think, and whilst yes it has good instaneous turn rate its a massive kite and its burns a crapton of speed. theyre modelled wrong ingame sure, but not by much.
a whole 13 mig 29s.
“At an altitude of more than 5km, you still won’t be able to maneuver more than 5g.”
thats plain stupid, no mental gymnastic will make the statement of an 80% success rate not absurd.
13+14=27 MiG-29
Why this stupidity of yours?
If Gaijin had modeled Su-27 planes correctly, it would have been even better.
the number is irrelevant, unless they magically managed to give them 100ds of airframes it would still end up with the airforce being almost complitely destroyed in week s with such as high success rate and such a high number of missile fired.
true thats not a question. not really in arb though
Where are the statistics of missiles fired? Where do you get it from? Did you come up with it yourself? Ukraine has restored part of its MiG-29s thanks to the supply of spare parts
do you have a similar figure to this for R-77 or R-77-1? or at least datapoints in similar circumstances
there is a fuckton of good data if you look back at 2022 early 2023 mig31 was the main aircraft deployed for a2a missions. today theyre almost completelys stopped using them. and the main weapon for mig31s is r37m. you can look it up if you search up “r37m perfomance in ukraine” you’ll find tons of data.
here’s russian source. quite literally the most russian biased “news” source you can find
There is no such schedule.It’s still classified for the R-77/77-1.
perfomance is very well known for both missile. india has put out tons of data.
Look man, I don’t wanna be that guy but you honestly have a pretty strong bias yourself… I’ve been reading some of the stuff you say here and it feels a bit dumb. Maybe take a step back, you know? Do some more reading?
I know it can be easy to dismiss REDFOR equipment as complete trash, and maybe to some extent that vision is correct. To me, it’s a difference in doctrine. NATO certainly has the practical edge in reality, but the equipment of China and Russia isn’t to be entirely discredited. Russia is still a nation with a long (albeit very troubled) aviation history. And they do deserve some form of respect for that.
My personal stance is to just be pragmatic. Stick to the facts.
The MiG-31 is still in use.And what kind of crazy source is this? Do the pilots themselves know that they fire missiles 5 times a day?
How much data did India provide? That a missile with a range of 80km suddenly cannot be used at 100+km?
India has never had the P-77-1
im biased. never claimed otherwise, that doesnt change reality. everything ive claimed in in the last posts is pretty much undeniable. and im not referring to the technical perfomance of r37m here.
also no there is no way a person with a brain can argue that russian Aircraft arent completely outdated, they run outdated weapons and outdated avionics.
chinese aircraft is a whole nother story.