god damn, and all that for something that may not even be used by gaijin. respect from me man xD
This is all for the DCS Su-30 mod
And here I’m just sharing what happened
ahh, still, doing a good job. i do hope it could be used for bug reports but i somehow feel like gaijin will still try to fight it despite it probably being more accurate than any (legal) source available
Speaking about R-77
I suggest a realistic buff is possible: If we have its loft removed while keeping its range intact by either thrust increase or drag reduction, we’ll get a more capable missile in short to mid ranges while long range shots would remain mostly intact. At low and medium alitudes/distances the missile will reach its targets faster and will have a larger NEZ
There is no proof that R-77 has loft (but no disproof either). But some guestimations can be done:
So, we know that R-77 flies up to 80km
We know that R-77-1 is claimed to fly up to 110km. It has its tweaks for sure, but its shape is generally the same as of the first R-77. I suggest that loft addition is the main contributor of such range increase
The R-77-1 has a sustainer doesn’t it?
There is a new seeker, warhead, proximity device, motor, and the body is lengthened and made more aerodynamic. The grid fins were revised heavily to reduce drag and improve performance. It may as well be an entirely separate missile in similar form factor.
More than likely, yes.
if only gaijin thought the same
The R-77-1 does have a sustainer in the files
There is of course a problem. Now it is impossible to build a mesh in ANSYS, something is in the way
What error is the mesher giving you?
Did you smooth out the edges? Ansys mesher can be a bit picky with sharp edges
I’ll not be home for 5 days, but after that i can try to mesh it myself
So far it has turned out to be surface mesh
Hi. I’ve heard it be discussed a lot that the R-77 currently has execessive drag due to Gaijin’s modeling of the fins. Have we tried bug reporting this yet? If not, we probably work on getting one together that will be accepted.
There is an unreplied bug report on this, the others that I have seen all got denied.
CFD is still in the works
Go forward it to a forum technical moderator. I recommend PMing WaretaGarasu, as that moderator is quite active on the forums. Profile - WaretaGarasu - War Thunder — official forum
And if you could, link it please, so I could take some of the sources from there for my own research on the subject.
Is this something that’s needed? I mean, I presume it would help our case a lot. Being someone whose relatively new into the bug reporting scene, are there not ample enough sources to report it without this? From what I’ve seen, a lot of the reports regarding the missile have been a bit half baked to begin with (with the exception of one):
- Community Bug Reporting System (Improper sourcing)
- Community Bug Reporting System (Erroneous reporting, as commented by developer)
- Community Bug Reporting System (The one I forwarded to Wareta, was not formatted properly and thus rejected)
- Community Bug Reporting System (This one was bit of a stonewall by Gaijin regarding the values, arguably the one that should have passed, but didn’t because it was based on “datamined values”)
Other than these few reports, I don’t really seem to see any others. @NoobHue80073 were you referencing to the third example? That was the one I personally forwarded to Wareta via PM, that had been in limbo for quite a while until I did so.
Honestly, the fourth one should have passed but because of Gaijin’s strange practices regarding flight model info – it is pretty hard to report. This should be a suggestion on it’s own tbh; as in allowing players to see info like this in-game.
But outside of that, we kind of need to get our act together.
@murilo10005 I presume you’re the person that wrote report number 3? And @和妲蕾丝修女姐姐贴贴 you wrote report number 4 which was stonewalled because of “datamined values” and I ping you in this post to hopefully consolidate our efforts in attempting to get the R-77 fixed.
Discussion in this thread has been a bit stale to begin with. So let’s try to get some attention to this.
DEV The R-77 missile resistance error // Gaijin.net // Issues
This is the report i was mentioning. It don’t has any reply from Gaijin.