The R-27ER is pretty underrated at top tier!

65km R-27ER launch:

70km R-27ER launch:

I’ve seen people claiming that the R-27ER is “not effective in BVR” and “at most will get you a trade” which is a bold statement and untrue statement. The R-27ER remains as the king of long-range missiles alongside the Phoenix. Don’t forget, it features IOG and DL and can re-lock targets after losing lock for as long as 20+ seconds, allowing you to “stealthily” guide the missile.

In actual combat load with full missile loadout and 30 minute fuel, I’m able to climb as high up as 11km altitude and fire an R-27ER 60km+ away from the target; the farthest launch I’ve achieved was at 75km. Beyond 70km, however, there’s a risk of hitting the R-27ER’s 60-second guidance time limit so be wary of that.

You might be wondering why I don’t get swatted by AMRAAMs at this altitude or why the enemy doesn’t evade the missile. It’s because the AMRAAM has significantly less range than the R-27ER; people typically launch their AMRAAMs from 40-50km away and have to guide them with Data Link until they go pitbull, which gives you ample time to launch an R-27ER at 60km+, stealthily guide it, re-lock, and engage.

Note: I’m not saying the R-27ER is equal to the AMRAAM.


honestly mate, hats off man, not everyone can/or is willing to adapt to shifts in top tier.

to think this missile was in the game before fox-3’s lmao


did they buff the radar? I can see doing this in the smt but not on the 27. The radar was way too unreliable and always lost lock


What’s crazier is that the 7F is the second best SAHR and yet the ER still outclasses the 7F in every way by a mile in range, acceleration, maneuverability, and guidance!

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Not that I know of. I never really had trouble with the Su-27’s radar, maybe that’s just me. All I do is use PD HDN for long range targets and use normal PD mode for closer range targets.

Might be me, I mostly use tws when I have it. Easier with manual queueing

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Good stuff, kind of shows how, well, braindead people are at top tier, so much so they forget to evade a SARH ( I’ve done 40km kills with 7M before and it worked 90% of the time).
Again, very nice keep sackin them arh boyos

I’ve explained that this was going to happen and that the R-27ER will be more effective for long range than the R-77 for some time. Glad to see it works as expected!

Now imagine an R-27EA ( In my eyes a better equal to the Aim120)

If we get an active version of the R-27ER then it’s gonna be another step up from the AMRAAM in terms of range. Imagine R-27EA vs Derby or MicaEMs.

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This is why I would like to see AIM-7P for NATO side


I honestly thought it was a paper missile and never built? If it was please correct me

I do believe it was actually made ( in low numbers however) and also never ever exported ( tho i do remember India looking to buy them)

How do you do that?

Lock target
Launch R27Er
Unlock Target
Track target with TWS
Re-lock target every 20s to update tracking, and lock the target for the final intercept.

IRL this shouldn’t work, as the missile should go completely dead if lock is lost while the missile is being guided by data-link


It only realistically work with the Mig29SMT radar. The Su27 radar is too capricious for this tactic to work, unless you have only a single target in your radar gimbal.

The TWS is super finnicky in particular. Due to the atrocious refresh rate, it tends to solid lock a different target than the one you were tracking in TWS, completely ruining the guidance of the R27 in the process. And since you don’t even have access to a smaller pattern with faster scan rate, it’s a huge pain to lock the target you want.

I honestly gave up on using the TWS of the Su27 unless in early game to see if there’s stragglers to snipe.

The SMT however can take advantage of this much better… but it’s limited to only 2 R27ER.

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only a clueless newbie will die to a r-27er at 65 KM. doesnt mean its effective in the fox-3 meta.


multipathing rendered it too easily counterable with 0 iq inputs before the patch. Just fly gripen at 50 meters with periodic flares and the SU-27 literally couldn’t touch you for 5 minutes.


But I literally use it in my Su-27. Its a bit weird to use but it works and I use to for extreme range R-27ER shots.

Its effective especially early game where you can lob ERs super long range. Again if you read the post, SPAMRAAMers don’t expect a missile launched from 60-70km. As far as they know, the longest range missile in top tier is the AMRAAM which is usually launched at a max range of 45-50km. On top of that they need to provide data link for their AMRAAM so they’ll hold their heading for a while longer so it can go pitbull.