Hello everyone, today I wanted to make a forum post about some of my favourite light cruiser designs that no one has really heard of.
I’m going to talk about the many proposed re-designs of the Eendracht-class light cruiser after the second world war.
First a little history:
Starting in 1937 the Netherlands Navy would start designing a new class of light cruiser. This new class would consist of two ships and would be known as the Eendracht-class. The two ships, HNLMS Kijkduin (Later renamed to “Eendracht”) and HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën, would be laid down in 1939 and construction progress at a decend rate.
A blueprint of the Eendracht-class
Source: | Nationaal Archief
HNLMS Eendracht on the 30th of April 1940
Source: Foto'sHowever when Germany invaded the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 all construction of the two ships stopped. The Germans would thankfully not destroy the hulls, and instead continue work on them. But by the end of the second world war the two hulls were still no where near finished. And when Germany was eventually defeated, the two hulls were back in the hands of the Netherlands Navy.
HNLMS Eendracht just after the Netherlands was liberated
Source: HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën C-802, history and plans – Battleships & KnightsIn desperate need to rebuild their Navy, it was decided to continue work on the ships again. But the ships were not going to be finished to their original design, instead it was decided to redesign the upper superstructure and weaponry of the ships to more up-to-date standards.
This is where we now get to the focus of this forum post, during this redesign phase around eight designs were proposed, some a bit odd, others quite promising. The British Vickers company would also offer their assistance and would propose some designs of their own.Eventually a redesign was chosen and further refined, and later applied to the two light cruiser hulls. The two ships that resulted from this were then known as the De Zeven Provinciën-class light cruisers.
So with that History lesson out of the way, let’s have a look at these cools designs!
Also some of you might recognize some of these designs. That is because “that certain other Naval video game” has used some of these designs as their inspiration for some ships to add. Although in usual fashion, they take a real design and twist it in their weird way to make something unhistorical and weird.
Well here are the actual real designs!
Plan A
Un-conventional support/anti-aircraft cruiser with limited primary guns, but good secondairies and torpedoes.6 x 15cm, 8 x 10,2cm, 12 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm, 8 x 533mm torpedoes.
The blueprint of the Plan A redesign
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
2 x 3 6 inch / 152,4 mm guns [1]
4 x 2 4 inch / 101,6 mm guns [2]
6 x 2 40 mm autocannons [3]
4 x 2 12,7 mm machine guns
2 x 4 21 inch / 533,4 mm torpedo tubes[1]: Definitely Bofors 15.2 cm/53 Model 1942 guns
[2]: Most likely QF Mark XVI guns in Mark XIX Twin mountings
[3]: Most likely 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mounting
Here we have the first proposed redesign, and it’s a very interesting one!
The ship only has two primary turrets, but they are tripple turrets so the ship still has six guns. This primary gun setup makes this design a little less capable at engaging enemy vessels, but I don’t think that was it’s main goal to be honest.Because something interesting we see here is the addition of four twin 4 inch guns. These turrets are located on the middle of the ship, with two turrets per side. Something I must say is that Dutch Light Cruisers never have large caliber secondairy guns, the idea was always to have primary guns that could kind of fulfill a dual-purpose role, and to then rely on 40mm autocannons for secondairy weaponry. So this ship having 4 inch guns is something unheard of for Dutch Light Cruisers.
Further weaponry are six twin 40mm autocannons, which are all mounted on the centerline of the ship, with there being a superfiring pair behind each main turret. It’s an interesting layout to say the least.
Also there are four twin 12,7mm machine gun turrets proposed, and these are around the bridge and rear superstructure.Another thing we must not forget are the 21 inch torpedo tubes. This too is something that you rarely see on Dutch Light Cruisers. The lacking number of primary guns can be slightly offset with these torpedo tubes.
This weaponry setup makes me think that the idea for this cruiser was to be that of an support/anti-aircraft cruiser.
Plan B
Variation of the Plan A, but with better 10,2cm gun placements.6 x 15cm, 8 x 10,2cm, 12 x 40mm, 10 x 12,7mm, 8 x 533mm torpedoes.
The blueprint of the Plan B redesign
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
2 x 3 6 inch / 152,4 mm guns [1]
4 x 2 4 inch / 101,6 mm guns [2]
6 x 2 40 mm autocannons [3]
5 x 2 12,7 mm machine guns
2 x 4 21 inch / 533,4 mm torpedo tubes[1]: Definitely Bofors 15.2 cm/53 Model 1942 guns
[2]: Most likely QF Mark XVI guns in Mark XIX Twin mountings
[3]: Most likely 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mounting
Here we have the second redesign, and it’s a variation of the Plan A.
Just like the Plan A the ship only has two primary tripple turrets. And it’s also got the same number of 4 inch guns, that being four twin 4 inch guns. But the location of these turrets are different. Instead of them on the middle of the ship, now only two turrets remain there, with one per side. And the other two turrets are now superfiring over each primary gun turret. This does give the 4 inch guns much better firing angles.The number of 40mm also remained the same, that being six twin 40mm autocannons. But the location of these guns have also changed. Instead of them all being on the centerline of the ship, now they are all around the sides, with three per side.
There is a tiny improvement when it comes to the 12,7mm machine guns, instead of four twin turrets as seen on the Plan A, the Plan B has five twin turrets.Finally the torpedo tubes also remain the same, those being two quad launchers with one per side.
Just like the Plan A design, I think this ship was to be an support/anti-aircraft cruiser.
Plan C
British Dido-class cruiser gun layout on a much bigger cruiser, and armed with torpedoes.10 x 13,3cm, 14 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm, 8 x 533mm torpedoes.
The blueprint of the Plan C redesign
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
5 x 2 5,25 inch / 133,35 mm QF Mark I guns
7 x 2 40 mm autocannons [1]
4 x 2 12,7 mm machine guns
2 x 4 21 inch / 533,4 mm torpedo tubes[1]: Most likely 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mounting
Here we have the first proposed redesign by Vickers, and it’s pretty much a Dido-class cruiser.
The ship has five twin 5,25 inch gun turrets. There is only one weapon that fits this description, and those are the 5,25 inch QF Mark I guns in the twin Mark II turrets. Just like the British Dido-class, the ship has three superfiring turrets at the front, and two at the rear.
It’s very interesting that Vickers tried to propose this weapon on the Dutch Light Cruiser redesigns. I don’t think the Dutch Navy would have been very keen on accepting this odd gun caliber into service.Further weaponry are seven twin 40mm autocannons, six of which are mounted on the middle of the ship, with three per side. And the last 40mm turret is mounted in a superfiring position over the rear two turrets.
Also there are four twin 12,7mm machine gun turrets proposed, and these are around the middle of the ship, sort of in around the smoke funnels.Lastly, just like the previous Plan A and B, we also have four quad 21 inch torpedo tubes. With one quad launcher per side.
Just like the Plan A and B, we seems to be on a trend to turn the ships into support/anti-aircraft cruisers.
Plan D
British Dido-class cruiser gun layout on a much bigger cruiser, and armed with torpedoes and depth charges.10 x 13,3cm, 12 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm, 8 x 533mm torpedoes, depth charge rails.
The blueprint of the Plan D redesign
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
5 x 2 5,25 inch / 133,35 mm QF Mark I guns
6 x 2 40 mm autocannons [1]
4 x 2 12,7 mm machine guns
2 x 4 21 inch / 533,4 mm torpedo tubes
2 x depth charge rails at the stern[1]: Most likely 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mounting
Here we have another Vickers design, which is a very small alteration of the previous Plan C design.
The ship still has the five twin 5,25 inch gun turrets. Which are all still in the same layout as the Plan C, that being three superfiring turrets at the front, and two at the rear.The 40mm guns are slightly reduced from seven turrets, to six twin 40mm autocannon turrets. All six turrets are mounted on the middle of the ship, with three per side.
There are still four twin 12,7mm machine gun turrets proposed, but these are in slightly different locations compared to the Plan C. The turrets are now more spread around the ship, with two next to the bridge, and the other two towards the rear superstructure.The four quad 21 inch torpedo tubes launcher also remains. But towards the rear we now see two depth charge rails clearly drawn. It’s unclear if these rails were proposed for all the redesigns, but either way the Plan D is the first design where they show up on the blueprint.
Just like the previous Plans, we seems to be on a trend to turn the ships into support/anti-aircraft cruisers.
Plan D*
Slight variation of the Plan D, now no longer armed with torpedoes.10 x 13,3cm, 12 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm, depth charge rails.
The blueprint of the Plan D* redesign
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
5 x 2 5,25 inch / 133,35 mm QF Mark I guns
6 x 2 40 mm autocannons [1]
4 x 2 12,7 mm machine guns
2 x depth charge rails at the stern[1]: Most likely 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mounting
Here we’ve got a slight modification of the Plan D. The British use the * symbol quite a lot to identify further developments of existing designs. Like how you’ve got the TOG 2 and TOG 2*.
This Plan D* differs very little from the previous Plan D. The ship still has the five twin 5,25 inch gun turrets. Which are all still in the same layout, that being three superfiring turrets at the front, and two at the rear.The six twin 40mm autocannon turrets are in the same place. That being on the middle of the ship, with three per side.
The four twin 12,7mm machine gun turrets are also still in the same places, with two next to the bridge, and the other two towards the rear superstructure.However the Plan D* does not have the torpedo launchers anymore. Instead two more small sloops are added in the spots where the torpedo launchers used to be.
Towards the rear we still see the two depth charge rails just like on the Plan D. So that’s another thing that didn’t change.There seem to be some tiny differences in the superstructure aswell, but I don’t know if these are just errors in the blueprint, or if they are intentinal changes.
Plan E
Mirrored British Dido-class cruiser gun layout, otherwise very similar to the Plan D*10 x 13,3cm, 12 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm, depth charge rails.
A blueprint of four of the different redesign, specifically the weapon configurations. At the top we see the layout of the Plan E
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
5 x 2 5,25 inch / 133,35 mm QF Mark I guns
6 x 2 40 mm autocannons in S.T.A.A.G. mountings
8 x 12,7 mm machine guns [1]
Not visible on the blueprint, but most likely also 2 x depth charge rails at the stern[1]: Most likely four twin mountings
Here we’ve got yet another Vickers design, and sadly we don’t have a proper blueprint of this one like we got of the others. But either way what we do have is enough to give us a good idea of what the ship would have been like. And it’s yet again another Dido-class cruiser-like ship.
The ship still has the five twin 5,25 inch gun turrets as seen on the previous Vickers plans, however they are not in a mirrored setup. Two of the turrets are now in a superfiring pair at the front, and the remaining three turrets are at the rear.Something we do get with the blueprint seen above is a clear name for the 40mm guns. The ship was to be given six twin 40mm S.T.A.A.G. mountings. Two turrets were on either side of the ship, and the last two places behind the front and rear main turrets. We could speculate that the forward turret might have been put in a superfiring position over the front turrets. But I don’t think the same would have been possible for the rear 40mm turret.
Just like almost all the other designs, this Plan E was also given eight 12,7mm machine gun. Just like the others these are most likely in four twin turrets again. But we do not know the exact location of these.Just like the previous Plan D*, the idea of giving the ship torpedo tubes seems to have been dropped.
Whilst it’s not visible on the single blueprint we got that shows us the Plan E, I do believe the depth charge rails are still planned, since these rails do show up again for the next design too. The Plan E*.
Plan E*
Slight variation of the Plan E, with slightly different secondary gun placements10 x 13,3cm, 12 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm, depth charge rails.
The blueprint of the Plan E* redesign
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
5 x 2 5,25 inch / 133,35 mm QF Mark I guns
6 x 2 40 mm autocannons [1]
Not visible on the blueprint, but most likely also 4 x 2 12,7 mm machine guns
2 x depth charge rails at the stern[1]: Most likely 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mounting
Here we’ve got a slight modification of the Plan E. The British use the * symbol quite a lot to identify further developments of existing designs. Like how you’ve got the TOG 2 and TOG 2*.
This Plan E* differs very little from the previous Plan E. The ship still has the five twin 5,25 inch gun turrets. Which are all still in the same layout, that being two turrets in a superfiring pair at the front, and the remaining three turrets are at the rear.The six twin 40mm autocannon turrets are in slightly different positions now, where this Plan E* has them all on the middle of the ship, with three per side.
Whilst it’s not visible on the blueprint, this design most likely would have had the four twin 12,7mm machine gun turrets too. These machine guns are present on every single one of these redesigns, so it would be very odd if they weren’t on this one.Unlike the Plan E that didn’t show us the depth charge rails, this Plan E* does show them again at the rear of the ship.
Plan F
American Northampton-class cruiser gun layout.9 x 15cm, 14 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm.
A blueprint of the what I think must be the Plan F redesign
Source: | Nationaal Archief
A blueprint of four of the different redesign, specifically the weapon configurations. The second one from the top is the layout of the Plan F
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
3 x 3 6 inch / 152,4 mm guns [1]
14 x 40 mm autocannons [2]
8 x 12,7 mm machine guns [3][1]: Definitely Bofors 15.2 cm/53 Model 1942 guns
[2]: Most likely seven 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mounting
[3]: Most likely four twin mountings
Now we’ve finally left the Vickers designs behind, and we’re back to more standard cruiser designs. The Plan F is an interesting one due to it’s primary gun turrets. The ship was proposed with three tripple turrets, with two superfiring turrets at the front, and one at the back.
Further weaponry was fourteen 40mm autocannons, which looking at previous designs are almost certainly in seven twin turrets. The location of the turrets are unknown, but if I have to speculate I think six of the turrets would be on the middle of the ship, with three per side. And I believe the seventh turret would be put in a superfiring position over the rear turret. If you look closely at the first blueprint seen above, you can spot a smaller circle just behind the rear turret, I believe this to be a circular foundation for a 40mm gun turret. Four additional circles can be seen towards the middle of the ship. But sadly we don’t have a good view of the top deck of the ship, so I can’t confirm the exact locations of the last two turrets.
Just like almost all the other designs, this Plan F was also given eight 12,7mm machine guns. Just like the others designs, these are most likely in four twin turrets again. But we do not know the exact location of these.
On the previous Vickers designs there were also depth charge rails present on the rear of the ship, but I can’t confirm of this was also planned for the Plan F, since this is not a design made by Vickers.
Plan G
German Königsberg-class cruiser gun layout.9 x 15cm, 14 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm.
A blueprint of four of the different redesign, specifically the weapon configurations. The second one from the bottom is the layout of the Plan G
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
3 x 3 6 inch / 152,4 mm guns [1]
14 x 40 mm autocannons [2]
8 x 12,7 mm machine guns [3][1]: Definitely Bofors 15.2 cm/53 Model 1942 guns
[2]: Most likely seven 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mounting
[3]: Most likely four twin mountings
The Plan G is an alternative design of the previous Plan F. Just like the Plan F, the Plan G was proposed with three primary tripple turrets. But now the layout of the turrets is mirrored, and so the ship has one turret at the front, and a superfiring pair at the rear.
Further weaponry was still fourteen 40mm autocannons, which looking at previous designs are almost certainly in seven twin turrets. The location of the turrets are unknown, but if I have to speculate I think six of the turrets would be on the middle of the ship, with three per side. And I believe the seventh turret would be put in a superfiring position over the front turret.
Just like almost all the other designs, this Plan G was also given eight 12,7mm machine guns. Just like the others designs, these are most likely in four twin turrets again. But we do not know the exact location of these.
On the previous Vickers designs there were also depth charge rails present on the rear of the ship, but I can’t confirm of this was also planned for the Plan G, since this is not a design made by Vickers.
Plan H
British Leander-class cruiser gun layout.8 x 15cm, 12 x 40mm, 8 x 12,7mm.
A blueprint of four of the different redesign, specifically the weapon configurations. The bottom one is the layout of the Plan H
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
4 x 2 6 inch / 152,4 mm guns [1]
6 x 2 40 mm autocannons in S.T.A.A.G. mountings
8 x 12,7 mm machine guns [2][1]: Definitely Bofors 15.2 cm/53 Model 1942 guns
[2]: Most likely four twin mountings
The Plan H is the final redesign we know of, and it’s honestly one of the more boring/conventional designs. The ship was proposed with four twin 15cm turrets, with a superfiring pair at the front and rear of the ship. A standard light cruiser gun layout.
Further weaponry was six twin 40mm autocannons in S.T.A.A.G. mountings. The six turrets were located on the middle of the ship, with three per side.
Just like almost all the other designs, this Plan H was also given eight 12,7mm machine guns. Just like the others designs, these are most likely in four twin turrets again. But we do not know the exact location of these.
On the previous Vickers designs there were also depth charge rails present on the rear of the ship, but I can’t confirm of this was also planned for the Plan H, since this is not a design made by Vickers.
De Zeven Provinciën-class pre-design
De Zeven Provinciën-class cruiser with slightly different secondairies.8 x 15cm, 8 x 57mm, 8 x 40mm.
The blueprint of what I think is a pre-design of the De Zeven Provinciën-class
Source: | Nationaal ArchiefWeaponry:
4 x 2 6 inch / 152,4 mm guns [1]
4 x 2 57 mm Bofors autocannons [2]
4 x 2 40 mm Bofors autocannons [3][1]: Definitely Bofors 15.2 cm/53 Model 1942 guns
[2]: Definitely Bofors SAK Model 1950 autocannons
[3]: Most likely 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mountings
Here is one final blueprint I ran into, which I think is a pre-design of the De Zeven Provinciën-class. Like mentioned at the start of this post, the final redesign chosen would be applied to the two hulls under construction, and the two ships would be known as the De Zeven Provinciën-class light cruisers.
What we can see is that the Plan H was most likely chosen as the winner and would be worked on more resulting in the blueprint we see here. A brand new weapon type was added to the ships, that being the 57 mm Bofors autocannon, which were located in four twin turrets.
Also the 40mm autocannons were reduced from the usual six twin turrets, to four twin turrets. This is another thing that sets this pre-design apart, the final De Zeven Provinciën-class light cruisers would be armed with eight single mounting 40mm L/70 Bofors autocannons, but on this blueprint we see four twin turrets, which I still think are the 40mm S.T.A.A.G. twin mountings like we saw on all the previous designs.
The 12,7mm machine guns seem to have been dropped entirely, which let’s be honest is not a bad idea. A post-WW2 light cruiser design doesn’t really need 12,7mm machine guns anymore.
And there you have it! I really like these designs because some of these are just weird and/or unique.
Let me know if you’ve ever heard of these before, and tell me which onces you would like to see ingame if that would ever become a possibility.