The problem with new minor nation trees

how dARE YOU

Changes nothing comrade, you lose

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OIP (5)

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ZA only has a ground sub-tree and no aviation one, making their Gripen addition a one-off rather than something substantial.
Other than that, being a sub-tree generally helps with adding SPAA too, that goes for all of them.
The exception to sub-tree vehicles being outside of their own line is BT-42 and ZT3A, but I don’t find this substantial enough to be indicative about anything.

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GJ has spread Switzerland all over the place. I fear the if Swiss tech tree is created, some unique vehicle are stuck in other tech trees. Merkava 3D is a good example for leaving vehicles in wrong tech tree.

The swiss ground and air forces are pretty unique. No copy&paste possible, as Switzerland always modified the vehicles. But yes, i’ld love to see the Swiss tech tree.


Everyone would like their country represented in WT with an independent TT, but you already know that won’t be possible for everyone. I believe the next country to be added will be India (for marketing reasons) and maybe North and South Korea together. The sub-trees are a clever idea, so far the only interesting sub-tree is the South African one because they are almost all unique vehicles. The Finnish and Hungarian sub-trees are rubbish (except for those few unique vehicles) by now the damage for Sweden and Italy has been done and unfortunately it is no longer repairable.

That’s just blatantly false but sure


**forgot to mention the Hurricane has 4 13.2 mm machine guns and there’s an F-16 with Magic 2s and AS-30L :))


First of all, you are listing vehicles to me as if I didn’t just send you a tree I made with nearly all of those.

Second, the Ti-67 is not a real designation, it’s a blanket term used by Arab forces for all Tirans; Israel never used the Chieftain Mk. 4, it tested 2 Chieftain Mk. 4s which were a variant specially designed for Israel featuring extra fuel tanks; the Carmel you’re talking about is the FFVD in my tree because the Carmel doesn’t exist yet, the FFVD is a tech demonstrator for it dveloped by Elbit; M-60 is not a real designation, it should be M-50 HVMS; Sho’t Meteor is the same as the Sho’t.

Third, a nation needs more than just a ground tree and a half-baked air tree. Naval is one of the 3 major gamemodes and even if you don’t play it, it is still a requirement. Israel’s biggtest issue is air. It has no good air tree below rank 6 and that is not a problem you can fix because Israel fundamentally does not have enough stuff. That is the type of fundamental problem that Israel brings.

I was not aware of this. I just assumed it was a term to refer to a specialized Tiran 6 modification.

Israel also did not use the Shilka, but they still have it. I don’t believe we should be picky with additions for a line that needs them.

It’s easier for people to Google Carmel Tank off memory. Search Engines also seem to understand it easier.

The Tank Encyclopedia, which I used to figure out the names for some of these, referred to the vehicle as such. If that is incorrect, then I will change the way I refer to that vehicle.

It does not say what engine the Sho’t in game uses and finding images of some of these vehicles can be challenging.

Several other trees don’t have Naval Tech Trees as of right now. Even if it is a major game mode, it’s not as necessary to the game for some nations compared to the Aircraft, Ground, and Helicopter trees. And while I don’t actively grind Naval, I do sometimes still play it. It’s more of just a plus 1 when it comes to game modes and sits pretty isolated compared to the rest.

This is merely opinion.

I stated that I do not speak for the Air Tree. I play helicopters and tanks as my main priorities. I do have Germany grinded almost completely for Air, Naval, and Helicopters, but it is not something I will likely do again for nations other than America and possibly Israel down the line. If I am to speak on this matter, then I do not believe Israel’s air tree is particularly a problem. It has a lot of lazy elements, but missiles tend to be different on the aircraft leading to different combat styles. A simple missile change can adjust how you play.

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You may not play air, but having a decent air tree is a necessity for a good tree and Israel is a perfect example of what happens when you don’t do that.

Also Israel did have a ZSU-23-4. It was captured and used as a training vehicle. It even got the nickname “Gundish” by crews.


Afaik both Israeli and Hungarian Shilkas should have a bit different models as they were ZSU-23-4V1 variant.

Unrelated, but I’ve never heard of that model. Can you tell me a bit about it?

They should not be. The ZSU-23-4V1 was only ever exported to East Germany.

I agree. I will never play China or Israel because of the so much copy paste tanks, most of which I didn’t enjoy the first time.

The only thing I can think of is that these changes aren’t directed for long time players and instead focused just on short term players who will join to play a specific tech tree, but a couple premiums and then never plays again.

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I actually think China is worth it. Recently it has gotten a lot more unique vehicles and the mix of vehicles it has makes it quite a strong tree.

Which ones? They are all basically copy and paste until Rank VII.

M10s, M4s, ISUs, M18s, T34, IS2s, SU’s, M48s, 54s etc its like 90% copied.

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I dont know if anyone has said this yet but its so obvious why theyre doing it… MONEY. Just think rank 8 was a simply ploy for money by them to be able to sell 11.3 premiums, but there is a problem with this. THEYRE RUNNING OUT OF RANKS TO ADD. For ground it MAY be possible to add a rank 9 with things such as the Abrams X , T14 and leo 2a8 etc. but that wont be for at least 2 years most likely. It isn’t looking to good with air either, only having 1-2 more ranks being added (gen 4.5 and gen 5 aircraft). So where is Gaijin planning on making their money from if they cant add new top tier premiums? NEW NATIONS. If a new nation is added and is OP having native vehicles at lower BR’s, this will incentivize players to buy the premiums for that nation to grind it out. I am almost certain this is what they’re going to do as we’ve already seen broken premiums for nations in the past (think 2s38, IS6 on release, KA 50, XP50, Vidar etc.) Gaijin will continue to add new nations to the game as long as it brings in money, and I’m assuming the next few will include nations that have large player bases within the game, such as India, Brazil, and the Koreas (well at least the south, lol).

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I think that’s the inherent problem. There are ways to make money without adding nations and a million other vehicles. World of Tanks isn’t more successful because they have less vehicles…

They must already make a killing on people buying premium accounts alone, I don’t get why they need new premiums at top tier. I mean even I’m not immune to this as I recently bought the Challenger 2 OES as I wanted to grind Britain. Gaijin really needs to focus on the quality of these vehicles being added though, as there are still many NATO tanks modeled incorrectly. Adding new nations shouldn’t even be in the question right now considering how badly it went with Israel. Not only does barely anyone play Israel but the vehicles aren’t even modeled correctly, specifically the Merkava’s lacking armor that they have in real life. For a game that preaches the realism in every ad I see for it they aren’t really doing a good job lol.