The Panzer 4C is really good

Like, it has a 3 second ace reload, has 75mm heat with 80mm penetration that one-shots like 90% of the time, and it feels pretty survivable. I’ve gotten a 10 kill game with this thing.


Yes it sure is - the APHE is very good for it’s BR so I found I hardly ever needed the HEAT - maybe it’s a bit more useful with some more heavy French tanks around that level tho

The thing is with the APHE I once non-penned a BT like 10 meters away from me twice.

Probably bounced due the angle or hit a track or something - no guarantee HEAT will always work either

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Probably more reliable than the APHE to be honest with you.

I’m gonna use this opportunity to remind you’all that the 100mm HEAT shell that Pz.IV E and F1 have is anachnonistic, it was introduced only in late 1943 and by then all existing Pz.IVs were retrofitted with the long 75mm.

Also all late Pz.IV variants in the game use the 80mm pen, HL/B shell. Strange, isn’t it?


Not really strange, as also not all were retrofitted, there are still fotos of L/24 Pz IVs at the end of the war as well as other vehicles also use the guns. (And we all know, that Ammo is also a choice of the Devs).


Thanks, interesting pictures.

Anyway, these vehicles are exceptions. Besides, I see no point in giving these low tier medium tanks such penetrating shells. At their BRs, 80mm of pen is perfectly adequate to take on anything but the heavy tanks and they’re not supposed to anyway, as they are not tank destroyers.

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Well, thats you opinion, yet i like them, its fun to lob shells on target and the/C can even take pit T 34s, Kw-1s and M4 Shermans, which is very nice.
And the swedes have Apds from 49. So. Yeah.


Nobody tell this guy that sweden has a post-war IFV/APC at 2.3br

Ammunition options are a common balancing factor anyway.

Many medium tanks like the M4A3 105 are virtually impenetrable from the front to other vehicles. The low shell velocity of the 7.5cm L/24 is the balancing factor there, a tradeoff for pretty great penetration.


Yeah the 4E has the C round with 100mm max pen that I think can go through the 105 Sherman at close range.

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Lets calculate: arccos(63,5/100) = 50,5°, this is the maximum angle at which a HEAT shell with 100mm pen will penetrate a 63,5mm plate. Because the UFP of the 105mm Sherman is tilted back at 46°, in order to make the angle of 50,5° the tank would also need to be angled to the side by: arccos(cos(46°)/cos(50,5°))= 24°.
But at this exact angle its upper side will have the effective thickness of 38.1mm/cos(66°) = 94mm and can be penned by this shell.



I’ve done it quite a few times to M4A3 105s in the Pz III N I got from warbond shop a while back.