The old cdk wiki pages are gone and not replaced

Very active in CDK mission editor and constantly refer to the wiki for a quick recap or general information but now its all gone and not replaced. Most importantly the wiki pages for triggers, variables, conditions, effects and unit ID’s are missing.

Most of these links no longer work.

These pages should still be on the old wiki ( I managed to find two of them quite easily:
CDK Reference/Units
CDK Mission Editor: Triggers
In fact I think all of them are still there, looking at the category: Category:War Thunder CDK

I think the migration is being done by hand, so some stuff might be missing in the interim. It doesn’t help that the new wiki doesn’t have a inbuilt general search function, so to find stuff you’ll have to use the “” keyword on Google. The migrated pages also tend to be missing stuff from the old pages, or have content split over several pages instead. Not sure if that’s an editorial choice, negligence, or a technical limitation.


Not all articles have been migrated yet. you can still access the old wiki by just adding “old-” Infront of the “wiki” part of all of your links.
The currently migrated articles can be found here:

To be honest just keep the old wiki

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