The New World is War Thunder squadron of veteran players and newbies.
We are looking for casual gamers who wish to help farm squadron vehicles and go to battles with us!
Our members are from different parts of the world, mostly europeans.
Anyone is welcome to join us as long as they have Rank II tanks and planes from any nation.
For those concerned about acitivity points, you only need to participate and be active. We don’t have a hard rules for now but it might change in future.
We are mostly active around 8pm GMT+1, but you are free to play on your own too.
If you’re the social type, we have a pretty active on the discord server where we love to share our passion for War Thunder.
Our Discord link is: The New World
Please take time to read through our discord rules and apply for full-membership.
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Discord link: The New World
-oTNWo- The New World is an active squadron focusing on squadron vehicles and casual, fun teamplay.
We want more players to join us so we can move to the next step: Custom battles in squadron and squadron battles!
We don’t discriminante. We love all types of vehicles and we want you to help us grow our community. Join us and help us grow. Share your experience with us and make the game enjoyable for everyone.
Don’t spend hours playing War thunder solo, we exist to improve your own experience of this game. We want you to play and have a good laugh with real people!
Our Discord is availabe for anyone who is interested and wishes for more information. Although, to get full access you need to join our squadron. Just do it!
Discord Link: The New World
A slight change to the minimum requirements for joining -oTNWo- The New World.
We now require Rank II tanks and planes, and 100 battles in Realistic Battles.
If you have any questions to ask or just wish to interact with our members, visit our Discord Server: The New World
As a Guest you will have a restricted access to our content, but once you join us it will be different.
The New World recruitment in now Limited to 18+ years old players only.
We are still recruiting and looking for players to farm Squadron vehicles and go into battle with us!
Our Squadron aim for fun and teamplay.
We have a lively Discord channel: The New World
Discord helps us organize squad and discuss War Thunder related topics and some off-topics too.