The new ordinance stat cards are a great improvement but we still desperately need more info

I love the new look for the ordinance info cards, but the fact that we still need to go to 3rd party data miners to find out key information is ridiculous.

The cards should have a more information button which shows everything about the weapon, as it would help inform players way better.

These are just a few of the things that we for some reason can’t find out in game:

  • Guidance delay
  • Seeker FOV
  • Fin AoA
  • Proximity radius
  • Moving target lock for TV seekers

Those information should be accessible on the wiki.

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For aircraft replace the turn time in seconds with deg/s turn with min internal fuel and empty payload and have the values for all aircraft be for the same altitude. this would be far better for figuring stuff out


heavy on the should, now they dont even have pages

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Wiki definitely needs some work done on it, but in my opinion only the basic stats should be shown in game, with all other advanced ones reserved for wiki.

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