The Multipath Problem

Last time I checked. There was a poll for both in this thread.

What affects one. Affects the other.

How would you know multipath is a problem to RB if you don’t play it lmao

And mind me challenge that the fact I DO NOT AGREE.
I’ve played other sim games with full sets of radar/missile, on the peak you could get more than 30 players in a server.
You will still be able to dodge fox3 with that much players, cuz you’ll have to. If you put yourself in a situation where missiles are coming from angles wider that 90 degree, that’s your fault, not the games. That means you made a wrong move.
This Will again thus promote less of a furball, vuz you’ll just get blasted at once if that’s what you are trying to do.
By fixing (not removing, fixing) the multipath, essentially you’ll get players out of the babysitting, and people will learn the proper things to do overtime.


Literally the first sentence of the thread lmao

Disclaimer for the sim players: This is aimed primarily at air realistic battles, but the way Gaijin has coded multipath is that they can only enable or disable it on a gamemode basis, but the altitudes are on a radar/missile basis for all gamemodes.”


Imbalances are why the BR system exists. If this is enough to impede their performance in battle, they will go down.

If not, then it’s simply an inherent trait that the players have to work around, no different than a given nation having mainly BnZers or mainly turnfighters at prop BRs.

This disaster of a thread is precisely why adjusting technical-realism traits for “balance” never works out well, and most certainly will lead to endless complaints from at least one party or other.

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My dude , this is WT forums. Reasonable takes are frowned upon


Who doesn’t die in the current state?

Whoever defeats the others missile first, and recommits first, will get the advantage in the second engagement. At those distances, especially in the sinai image, you don’t have to go cold, you can defeat the missiles by cranking alone. Going cold only really makes sense within the NEZ, which is a very short distance.

Also, that Sinai image was just a representation of AIM120 effective ranges at some specific altitude + speed from a sim discord, it is in no way representative of how a BVR battle plays out, if you seriously think that’s the case then you definitely have no idea what you’re talking about

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Unfortunately it is badly flawed.

But everyone knows I’m the king of reason : P

Which is why I get flagged most of the time lol

So you are just gonna neglect the second half of my sentence? I get outright kill if lucky or I get advantage into dogfight since opponent has to take evasive, anything wrong with that? Or you mean they should be able to exploit multipath and gain my advantage?

Yep… And the last sentence litereally says that the height that mutlipathing is set to is for “ALL” Gamemodes. Not just RB or SB.

Unless they turn mutlipathing off entirely in SB. Which I doubt they would do. Both RB and SB will share the same mulitpathing height. Now id be all for turning off multipathing entirely in SB. That is my main gamemode. But its unlikely Gaijin will ever do that. We are often stuck with RBs scraps usually.

Therefore, RB affects SB and thus the debate should be for all. Not just hte people who never learnt what chaff is

You’re going to have American mains raging down the line looking for some sort of parity because they don’t get the same fancy IR missiles that other nations do that completely out range the AIM-9 and their radar missiles are just hitting the ground unable to kill anything at or below 100m. Adjustment of BR’s is always controversial too.


If you haven’t heard, I got 68% win rate ranked around 1500 in the entire WT in the last 30 days. I don’t wanna argue skill s cuz it’s useless, and it’s more important to make a point than bullcraping.

SB community is significantly smaller than RB, so why would you argue for removal of MP when all competent RB players tell you its going to grief the game for them? Don’t try to act like there is some sort of a middle ground there lmao

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So SB players dont get a say, because less people play SB?

So SB players just have to do what the RB players tell them to do?


well yeah, at least for mechanics which are on/off and affect both modes

So SB must suffer, because people in RB arent skilled enough to use Chaff?


It annoys me so badly that i am here in this thread defending air RB because snails spaghetti code doesnt allow this to be independent.

That’s fine. Nation “main” types are the absolute last groups that should be listened to when it comes to gameplay feedback. They’re the sort that one, as a dev, lets scream into the void for a bit before ignoring them and carrying on with one’s day.

it really is like talking to a brick wall

yes the entire argument boils down to the fact that we really don’t like chaff, nothing more to it, you got us good

man walking emoji goodbye