The MiG-23ML's MTI mode is bugged or something

For some reason it happened numerous times, MTI mode and my enemy is hard-locked, not losing it at all, and I’m on a head-on aspect, and yet my R24R is not being LEAD properly at all even when I wasn’t losing lock.

Previously, I had an Su-25 locked, MTI mode and he wasn’t notching, I was on his left and he didn’t notice me. I fire an R24R and once the missile was near, it just didn’t lead at all? I didn’t lost lock and he turned left and went cold on me, I fire again and I still have a hard lock on him, the missile goes straight up instead.

Mig-21 was “head-on’ing” me and my MTI mode was on, I fire an R24R at around 6-8ish km, the missile just straight up DIDN’T lead at all again? He popped CM’s late but he was still going straight for me but it missed AGAIN.

I really don’t know what’s going on with this thing? Are other people experiencing this problem too? I’m not sure if its how I fired my missiles, but somehow the MTI mode is just straight up bugging right now for me atleast. I’ve lost count on how the MTI failed me for the past hour. The two I listed were things I vividly remember.

It is just doing the “Oh look, a civilian airliner” or locks/targets just another jet? If the later then it normal, it just a quirk of radar homing missiles. If the formal… no idea tbh

Also which altitude was in your case?

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this has happened to me a couple times. the acm mode is kinda unreliable but it still pulls through most of the time

just rng for the russian missile
it only happens to r60 r24 r73 in my expiriance
experience maybe there are more but i stop playing russian air

I have constant elevation of radar antennae turned off so I can manually turn on MTI mode via pitching it down, so what I do is level out at Ralt of 1.3km and that’s it. The Su-25 case was he wasn’t multipathing at all, I’m taking a guess and I think he was atleast 300m+ off the ground.

The Mig-21 case was we were off atleast 1.5km+ off the air. No idea why my radar just refused to lead my missile at all.

There are also cases where I would lock someone on MTI at around <500m but the TRK would just not track in MTI and bombard my lock with ground clutter, really annoying.

Hahah yeah I guess so. The R60M’s are wholly unreliable, the R24R barely hits with what’s going on with me, but at least the R73 has some decent chances to hit.

Happened AGAIN, this time it was normal SRC, Mig-21 wasn’t notching, yet he spoofed my two r24r’s that had a solid lock on him. This missiles are certified dogshit

I’ve had several instances with those missiles where they just ignore the target I’m locked onto, and proceed to go straight towards the closest friendlies instead.

I’ve began to use the R-24Ts. They have ok flare resistance and great range+speed.

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I have the same issues, my R-24R have become so unreliable, that shooting someone 3km above ground makes the missile confused, even though they are going STRAIGHT. No notching, no nothing.

Radar won’t even lock on anymore even if they are going straight head-on at you. It has never happened to me before the december updatess/patches and it pisses me off.

Mig-23ML lost dogfighting capabilities, lost radar supremacy, lost their only good missiles (except r60s)

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