The MICA EM missile's range deserves to be fixed

Should MICA EM’s range be increased to better compete with other missiles in BVR?

  • Yes
  • No (Explain why)
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Currently the MICA EM missile on the dev server remains unchanged despite a passed report demonstrating the lack of considerable range on the missile.

Here is link to said report: MICA missile missing some kinetic energy // // Issues

As it stands now, the MICA EM has the worst BVR capability among its peers and cannot properly compete in BVR despite its great acceleration, maneuverability and top-speed.

In a graph comparing the medium range active radar homing missiles, it is seen that the MICA missile performs quite lackluster in medium and tail end ranges. Thanks to Javelius for this graph:


In another graph, it can be observed that the time-to-hit at medium/long ranges are abysmal, while the end-speed leaves something to be desired. Credit to dark_claw for having created this graph:



Would be nice for a French missile to be fixed [Edited by Moderation] without years of waiting.


We all know that the root of the issue is due to wobbling, accentuated by thrust vectoring.
Know, i do agree that this need to be fixed, not only for the MICA and it’s balanced in the game, but also because the MICA (r73 and ASRAAM included), are just the beginning of TV missiles in game. Soon, there will be several more, with even higher G loads than the MICA, which will suffer immensely from this issue. The faster Gaijin fixes this issue, the better for the longevity of the game


They need to fix netcode so the death wobble of all missiles is fixed.


I think they had already decreased drag across the board to compensate for the wobble of missiles, and reworked some missiles so wobbles weren’t as much of an occurence, but despite that, the MICA still vastly underperforms according to historical sources. AIM-120A for instance meets the historical sources despite the wobbling.


Not to mention Magic 2 is still far from its IRL performances. Gaijin please.


Needs desperate fixing. I don’t really need to elaborate when you can just see how hilariously they wiggle around after launching - same as all the other thrust vectoring missiles, even all the way down to the SRAAM.


This is far from the only issue unfortunately.

Something as basic and obvious as the caliber of the missile is still wrong at 165mm instead of 160mm.
This, of course, contributes to higher drag and shorter range.

And it’s been acknowledged and passed to devs three whole months ago !

Let that sink in.
They don’t care enouth to update a SINGLE VALUE in three months.
I’m pretty sure that means “I don’t give a damn.” in every language.

They either can’t be bothered or straight up don’t want it fixed.
There is no other way to explain the mountain of bug reports that have been collecting dust for over three months now, when most fox-3 missiles have been tweaked in that same timeframe.

Not to mention the HUGE gap between in-game and IRL performance.
We are talking about a whole 30km of missing range here.
That’s 37% missing range, or a necessary increase of 60% over current range.

My point is :

There is no way they are unaware the MICA is massively underperforming.
This HAS to be a voluntary choice on their end.
Good or bad choice I’m not saying here to not clog the thread.

Either they know and chose not to fix it as a nerf, or they don’t know and that’s absolutely baffling.

Anyway, I think this thread won’t go anywhere unless we get a CM or tech mod into the loop.


It wouldn’t be as infuriating as it is if they at least admitted that balance heavily influences what they fix or not