The MICA EM missile needs to be fixed

If you don’t have sources logic won’t do shit. Because if you listen to logic Mirage 4000 could carry MICA but now show a valid historical proof your logic is correct. No point in getting mad at gaijin here there is requirements for bug reports i advise you to read them.


Bro keep it civilised instead of being nasty. Yeah a dozer blade should increase weight but they didn’t model it and you still need documents so that they don’t model the dozer blade wrong. As dumb as it may seem if you don’t give them a source about the dover blade weight they won’t fix anything and that’s it. I can’t do anything about it if you can’t understand how the system works. Also this is a thread about MICA so why you post tanks things here.


Did some testing by trying to imitate the VL mica (slow flying, pitch up and fire). Far from perfect i’m aware.

If we compare it with this source, we have a 30G overload at 12km and 50G at 7km, while in game we have this :

at 7km :

at 12km :

I highly doubt it can hit 30G while subsonic or 50G at mach 1.7, it seems the speed is off for those ranges (too low)

The missile also doesn’t achieve its IRL speed when ground launched, supposed to be around mach 3 if i recall correctly (6.8s is the end of burn, so max speed achieved) :

Can it be explained by the wobbling only ? Seems to me it’s a bit too draggy as modelled in game right now


not sure if it happened irl, but mirage 4000 in the game doesn’t even have hmd, so i’d say LOGICALLY mica is far out from its reach

Not so much as a triple pylon was to be developped to carry up to 14 of them. HMD is actually far more from reach to M4K than MICA EM. Logically it’s the opposite the story of Mirage 4000 ended at the end of the 80s when MICA program had already reached advanced stages and if Mirage 4000 were to enter the French AirForce it would have been refitted with RDY radar and the capability of carrying MICA at least on the 6 wing Magic 2 Pylons.


With the possible rework/nerf of multipathing, current MICA might become slightly worse than before because of its range, which will become relevant to the new meta gameplay.

If it doesn’t get fixed, other FOX-3 carriers will theoretically outrange you and prevent you from engaging with good launch parameters.

I’m not saying that it will make it straight up bad, just that we now have a proper reason to push for range fixes.

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The AIM-120s, R-77, and PL-12 all got hit with a loft nerf recently with today’s update. What used to be a 25 degree loft for AIM-120A/B and R-77/PL-12 has now been reduced from 25 degrees to 7.5 degrees and 5 .0 degrees respectively. So they should see some nerf to its range. I will wait and see what Jaek’s video concludes before saying anything more however.


R-77 and PL-12

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Oh okay I missed out on the AMRAAM nerf, curious to see how it stacks up now. Although we always have the possibility to manually loft these missiles, I think some guy proved that it worked wonders on the ER.

Still, I hope they’ll work on fixing the many issues remaining with the MICA.

For my (admittedly limited testing) of the AIM-120 it appears to be a small (few km) buff to maximum range, and a reduction in time to target. Possibly at the cost of slightly (0.1 Mach maybe) lower velocity at the moment of impact.

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Look like r73 problem 99% of the time

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Were these tests comparing the older aim-120 versus the new one side by side or just comparing off of separate tests?

It was just a quick test in one scenario. I knew from one of my AMRAAM reports that the max range in a given scenario was previously 52.5 km. The new missile could hit at 54.5 km.

And when I fired the new missile at 52.5 km it hit the target at 75.6 seconds flight time. Instead of 79 seconds.

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reduction of drag ?

Out of curiosity, what are the given figures in the scenarios that the AIM-120 is supposed to achieve?

That scenario was as follows (non-manoeuvring target):

Launch Aircraft: 5,000 ft / Mach 0.9
Target Aircraft: 500 ft / Mach 0.9
Expected Launch Range: 57.5 km

I tested that one as it was what my testing mission was set up for and I didn’t have much time.

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I agree

@Smin1080p Have devs said anything yet about the MICA wobbling? It’s getting to the point now that this bug has videos being made about it


If MICAs don’t get unfucked with the multipath change (accurate range, or just removing the wobble), you’d be better of taking almost anything else. Which shouldn’t be the case.

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This video seems pretty ill informed. Just from watching it MICA seems to get within fuse distance and not go off, and fail to track in the circumstances it was designed to track in. Chaff really shouldn’t be doing all that much just by spamming it.

I could be unfavourably judging it though. State of MICA is pretty irritating, so a video that seems to say it’s fine (stopped watching halfway) is pretty bothersome.