The Mauser BK27 is objectively the worst gun in the entire game

seems like i had that one confused stealth had half saphei half aphe , still there is no tracer effect there
thats not realy a tracer shot you see their.
Besides that those rounds do decent dmg so i dont quite get where you get your problem currently

that i actualy mentioned overall their rounds perform worse

huh? but the rounds /cannon havent been touched

thats not realy a tracer shot you see their.

It literally came from my gun. The Javelin has green tracers, not white. What about the second image on the desert?

huh? but the rounds /cannon havent been touched

yeah, they haven’t. The Alpha Jet is just a 7.3 at 8.7 for some odd reason. Objectively and thoroughly the worst 8.7 plane. The F84F is faster, the a4b is faster too and has missiles, the mig17 slams this thing, the f2 sabre same old. “It’s just an attacker” is a shtick that should be forgotten as quickly as possible because the t-2 is also an attacker and is the best 9.3 plane in the entire game. The Do335 is also an attacker and it is better as a 5.7 boom and zoomer than the sea fury is in a downtier. The AM1 can dogfight alongside 109s and late yaks.

no idea but i dont got tracers on my end shrug

then my game account is still turbo bugged as per usual.

no idea but i dont got tracers on my end shrug

That’s a bad counter

I have no knowledge on the BK27 and its strongest aspects, so I trust the others addressing this post.

Did you just…
Post for the sake of posting?


You put some respect on the BK’s name young man

People get mad cause they don’t hear the things I stay silent on typically.
So are you getting mad cause I show agreement which lets people know my support for their actions…
Cause that’s the definition of mixed signals.

I was actually confused rather than mad
(Can’t really “see” the emotion in text… So I’ll take the blame here)


skill issue i guess? never had an issue with its damage

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IDK about taking out an Alpha jet to air battles, but this thing wrecks havoc against tanks in GRB after you’ve expended your other ordnance.

Is there anything you haven’t complained about.


it’s literally all of you. So yes, there’s too little mouthpieces being represented within this meme.

say are you even using the tornado without fox1s or the alpha jet? The BK27 on the gripen is much better than that of the tornado and A jet.

skill issue i guess? never had an issue with its damage

Ah yes, because being able to get a solid gun solution and getting a hit on the very cockpit is a skill issue.

they don’t acknowledge that they’re terminally online on the forum and will post for the sake of posting, especially on my threads.

you literally just disagree with everything i say even if you’re completely clueless about it. The people here are talking about the gripen mauser while i’m talking about the alpha jet mauser. The tornados have two of them which pack more punch than a single one and yet it’s still lackluster. Having 2 AP rounds and 1 PT round with a single HE round gives you no damage whatsoever.

And no, you do get very vocal everytime Wisla. Stop gaslighting.

fly the alpha jet A as air to air i guess. Oh wait… my point still stands.

its worse lol, the difference is just the type of aircraft.
The tornado is a bus which doesnt get around to aiming
The Alpha jet is a nimble sub sonic fighter and often is just to slow
The gripen is a agile supersonic fighter. It gets around to use its cannon more often and effectively
But the round selection of the gripen is worse then that of the alpha jet and the tornado

how is it worse when it has an all aphe belt while the belt on the alpha jet is all AP rounds? Besides the gripen has amraams and aim9m’s. You won’t use the gun unless it’s a last resort gunfight and you do have the performance and maneuverability to keep shooting at the last enemy even if you have to use your 150 rounds.

stealth belt with SAPHEI is better

you are still looking at the wrong belts. The only belt with pure AP rounds is the freaking armored target belt. Seriously learn to discern belts and what rounds they use first. This seems to be your main issue when you still dont understand the belts