The many issues of the F-4F Phantom family (rant)

But it makes Tornado ASSTA useless in direct comparison. Laser guided bombs, which require you to hold lock until the end, just don’t work in ground top tier matches. Its not possible to use it successfully. You need standoff weapons or you better don’t spawn this jet whatsoever. Jaguars and other jets get similar laser guided bombs at much, much lower BRs. While Ger has to use this cr** at top BR.

I just don’t understand Gajins reasoning. Others get whole jets which never really existed. Weapons which were just existing as wooden mockups to study aerodynamics on a prototype or for weight studies. They add ahistoric missiles for balancing purposes (Aim 9J for F-4F). Many more points.

The other day Gajin acts very, very strict…even if its technically possible. Even if Its causing huge balance issues and makes whole jets useless ingame. Remember, you pay the same amount of spawn points for the German two Mav Phantoms as for the six Mav ones (which can use two GBUs on top). Its a game and games need balance. It just don’t work when one faction spawns an F-4 with two guided missiles for 880 spawn points and the other one spawns one with 6 + two guided bombs on trop. Its just 2 guided strikes vs. 8. Its utterly unbalanced.

Its a game. A game needs compromises. One Tornado useless and just impossible to use. The other one gets PGMs and might do crazy stuff. The brit Tornado got 4x PGM500 (TV) vs. the other Tornados with just 4x GBU16 (laser). All have the same BR?? That won’t add up. Why not at least drop the BR? It just can’t be that a Nado with 4 PGMs shares the same GRB BR as the ones with laser guided obsolete cr**.

Imagine how it wil be when Brits get Tornados with 16x Brimsotnes, while the next IDS ASSAT3 or something is still flying around with like 4 GBUs … its just insane.

Instead they could just add these triple rails to F-4F and call it a day. As they did with Aim-9J’s and tons of other ordnance.

No they can’t, the F-4F doesn’t have the capability to use the triple mount mavericks. Furthermore aim-9J on them isn’t ahistorical as it did use them.



Well, Tranche 2 will come for 12.7/13.0 ground battles BR.
F-4F getting buffed with 9Js when it’s in the manual is still a complaint?
AGM-65Bs are already drastically lower range than GBUs.
~6km vs at least 16km of the GBUs.
PGMs also have the TV guidance issue; and I still haven’t figured out if targeting pods help.

It’s a matter of simply sticking it on the other mount. Just becasue they didn’t do it doesn’t mean they couldn’t.

Yes, the mount that the luftwaffe did not have!

So just like the Swedish had AGM-65G?
But here we are, same plane and could use it, do here you go

Hiw about an F-5C which has no flares, but normal F-5 so gets also CMs because why not, while we arent even allowed for Aim-9L on our Late Phantom

AGM-65G uses the same mounting system.
F-5A/C has flares for all nations that have it, and it was specified in a manual [AIM-9Js for F-4F is the same exact situation as flares on F-5A].

Sure, but still, it was said the Late phantom wont get em because that would require to move it up in BR too, well its now 11.0… I cant see em

It didn’t move up in BR though, it got slightly downtiered.
12.0 is 12.7 now.
Which means 11.0 is the old 10.3.

So 9Ls would make it a minimum of 12.0 now.


The same 9Ls that can be found on the Tornado’s which at worst are 11.7 (ASSTA 1/GR.1) or 11.3 (Marineflieger/WTD 61)? Most 12.0s with 9Ls also have radar missiles, fx; JA37D. They also tend to have superior flight performance, more CMs, or both. Last but not least, the MiG-21Bis’s are all 11.3, just a single step above the F-4F Late and they all get to have 6xR-60M/MK, then there’s the MiG-23ML & MLD at 11.7.

Better yet, just 0.3 above (12.0) we can find jets with Magic 2s which easily blow the 9Ls out of the water. Or perhaps you’re suggesting F-4F Late w/9Ls should be tiered the same as the Mirage 2K or F-16A?

I fail to see how the Late getting 9Ls would “make” it a 12.0 jet without radar missiles, or at the very least, without an artifically increased CM count. You’re spouting nonsense.

Tornado can’t dogfight and only carries 2 9Ls.
Kfir C7 however has a similar dogfight capability with 4x 9L equivalent missiles, and slightly less countermeasures at 12.0.
JH-7 has equivalent missiles at 12.3.
JA-37D dogfights the worst of the aircraft mentioned between us, and is 12.0, not 11.3.
Kurnass 2000 is effectively an F-4F with 2 more 9L equivalent missiles. Better than the Viggen D and Kfir C7 that’s for sure.

Mig-21Bis dogfights worse and has significantly worse missiles to the 9L.
F-16A is 13.0, and Mirage 2000 is well known to be under-BR’d.

Claiming basic facts are “nonsense” isn’t a good look.

Using 6 minutes of AB fuel [Viggen limitation]. Sustained turn rate is an indication of dogfight and furball management capability.
JA-37: 11.1


Kfir C2 [I don’t have Python 3s for Kfir C7, so I used 2x 500s on the C2 which uses an effectively identical engine.]: 13.1


JH-7A: 15.6


F-4F: 14.0.


Mig-21Bis Lazur: 13.2.


Now, whether or not F-1CT with its 2 good missiles is under-BR’d is up for discussion.

I say they are under-BR’d in SB

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Yes, an F-4 with 19 minutes of fuel vs a JA37 with 48 minutes of fuel.

That aside, I didn’t know sustained turn rate is the only metric that’s important and other things, such as, acceleration & instant turn-rate are just not relevant in a dogfight, huh.

19 minutes of dry-thrust because the engines produce so much dry thrust and are a thrust-specific fuel consumption of 0.95.
Vs the TSFC of 0.6X of the Viggen’s dry thrust.

Instant turn rate of Viggen is the same as F-4F’s. Due to F-4F’s superior energy retention it won’t lose all its speed during that turn tho.

AB time of a full-fuel F-4E/F is 9 minutes.
It’s 6 minutes 30 for the Viggen.

Viggen still loses when F-4F is on full fuel, and it loses even more cause it doesn’t have the dogfight endurance F-4F does