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“The Magnificent Kotobuki’’ is an anime set in a fictional world resembling the 1930s, where vintage aircraft play a crucial role in transportation and commerce. The anime is centered around the Kotobuki Squadron which is led by Reona, the squadron also includes Kylie, Emma, Kate, Zara, Chika. The anime explores their adventures as they undertake tasks such as airship escorts and engage in aerial battles against pirates. The anime director was the same director as the Girls und Panzer Animes.
The anime also has a compilation film that includes the content from the anime and additional content that was not aired when the anime originally aired.
A mobile game that was only available in Japan was also released called “Kōya no Kotobuki Hikōtai - Ōzora no Take Off Girls!” which features the cast from the anime and more squadrons which were not included in the anime. The game launched February 13th 2019 and shut down December 14th 2020.
The anime also has many official model kits for the planes featured in the anime for viewers to buy and build at home to be able to show off how much they like the anime.
For this suggestion I will be focusing on one of the characters and their plane in particular. The plane in particular would be Zara’s Ki-43-I Hayabusa
Zara is the vise-commander of the Tokobuki squadron, she is seen as the older sister of the team and enjoys drinking. She was formally a barmaid which might be related to her relation to alcohol. She has a great relation with Reona and she has a great perspective of the whole situation while in battle. Her personal paint scheme is the most unique out of all of the Kotobuki Squadron with the unique camo pattern that resembles leopard print. and the flowing yellow wing pattern that starts that the front of the plane and ends at the back of the plane with her unique personal tail emblem.
『荒野のコトブキ飛行隊』設定資料集&モデリングガイドブック設定資料集&モデリングガイドブック ( “The Magnificent Kotobuki” Setting Material Collection & Modeling Guidebook)
If you want to watch the anime for yourself you can watch it on Hidive:
Or Crunchyroll:
If you want some more information on the World of Kotobuki these videos shows off some of the planes/characters without spoiling