The lack of a top tier aircraft for germany

I hate to tell you bit thats not really true. Norway and DK wpuld both work to fill holes but they have a similar issue to benelux where they both fill roles together and also overlap

Additionally i would also like to mention the original statement for DK for sweden is premium only when asked about how it wouod be implemented. Regardless i dont think germany needs a whole sub tree for air, they just need something between EFT and KWS.

I dont really feel that a gripen C which they never bought is the main appeal. For most its the f18 and the panzer 140 and panzer 68

norwegian sub tree (some planes)- Curtiss-75A-6 (were in service during ww-2 times), Hawker Hurrican, spitfire, beaufighter, A-33, Havilland mosquito (the british ones were for norwegians fighting against nazis in ww2, stationed in britain, as there was obviously no safe norway for them. Still norwegian fighting squadrons, retired B-17G bombers, the Vampire, the F-86F and K, one or two of their F-104 variants (G, TF-104G, CF-104, or CF-104D, could add the f-84, then F-16. This is an okay subtree and contains enough vehicles similarly to the finnish subtree.

Not an entire sub tree. A branch off or even putting it under the Mig-23BN just to fill some of the holes would be great

The problem is that it was already stated that DK and Nor are currently exclusively premium for sweden and thats probably how its going to be.

The best option gajin can do is to make the 5th airline a joint Nor, and DK line. Unlike germany sweden has massive holes throughout the TT. Germany also only needs like 1 or 2 air vehicles for top tier

premiums don’t really fill holes, so which is it… I feel like gaijin making a bunch of premiums for sweden is unlikely, and i feel they would roll out one at a time. It would overall probably be more beneficial to add good premiums to germany anyways

it also makes no sense to put it with sweden in that regard…

I dont get this logic?

Its an artificial problem gaijin created. I will not stop mentioning the decision to make half the nordic tree exclusive to being premium being a dumb idea. Regardless it would make sense for the nordic states to be together more than germany being a part of that when germany can and probably will receive the swiss and potentially austria.

I mean germany really doesn’t have good top tier air premiums… if gaijin wants to make money, they should add a danish F-16 for a german premium… obviously it would be a while

I guess he really want more vehicles from 1.0-11.0 with a single 13.0-.7

I guess britain has amazing air premiums ;) [F4Junk]

unfortunately i believe there is much, much more that gaijin could add to the game from those nations, which would effectively fill up the swedish TT. Even if norway remains a premium nation for sweden, im just saying i believe that they should make it a free subtree.

and a dutch F-16 would be just as good for Sweden as they have nothing higher than the Draken at the moment (dont really have much that would be appropraite other than maybe Viggen DI?)

I hate to tell you but wjat other nation should go to sweden if they arent given DK?

Could get the austrian J35F or the Danish F35 (its also a draken.)

Both are very unique

Problem is the Da ish F35 would be better for sweden since its a CAS focused draken which sweden has really mid CAS until the gripen.

Possibly, Either 12.0-13.0 ish worthy?

J35 :P

Not in a million years but if the XS’s br is anything to go by a j35 with 4 missiles 2 are all aspect and 2 sarh (non pulse dop) it would be 12.7 lmao