The lack of a top tier aircraft for germany

Regardless my poi t that you couldn’t answer is that Norway cant fill the air TT entirely and since its premium its out of the question. Germany on the other hand has 3 other potential nations to add so why would DK go to germany when they have other nations.

Furthermore what nation replaces DK for sweden?

Encountered that while playing the JA37C and wasn’t thinking it was a bison but when i got close it was too late for me lol

Baltic nations would be cool for ground, but I guess sweden doesn’t need that. Sweden doesn’t really need other nations. There are a decent amount of Finnish planes that could be put in and norway could quite literally fit a whole column on the tech tree. that would make 5 columns. what i just listed is what could be added as a norwegian part.

Ive yet to TK one in Sim, thankfully I rarely encounter them in aircraft without radar

durr, i don’t know why i forgot about that


This would also help potentially fix the Helicopter tree for sweden with these two but the main thing would be 4.7 and up.

fair, i guess it might be a longer wait

As for GB premiums. Quite a few british or british export stuff Id like to see over Indian/SA stuff. Like Harrier Gr5 or the Saudi Tornados.

Though SA Buc S50 looks like it could be fun

And again it would make no sense for DK to go to germany when sweden is a nordic TT and DK is nordic.

I mean they share a lot of common planes. which is the main reason i think a split wouldn’t be terrible. I guess you guys would miss out on the meteors.

Additionally germany doesn’t need a full air subtree. They could go similar to SA where they focus on expanding certain gaps in germany ground with swiss vehicles and add the few swiss aircraft germany needs to fill out their air gaps.

Same issue happens with Benelux but that didn’t stop gaijin

They have no room for a full-sub-TT. Much like Britain with SA, it would be bits and pieces where they fit. Which is why I think Swiss (+ maybe Austria) is most likely for Germany.

Only nations that dont take away from someone else or arent better suited else where. Especially if you are only after a handful of aircraft (or tanks) and not a full TT/Sub-TT amount of vehicles

I mean to be fair France would be fine as an air TT by itself, which is why i don’t really see why they got the benelux… I don’t really want a subtree for germany, just a little extension at the top tier areas. It will be lacking in the future especially since they didn’t really have anything that crazy. I just feel like filling in some slots at top tier would be great

Yeah i dont see the logic with people wanting DK for germany. I understand the swiss and Austrians but dk makes no sense. Besides the swiss and austrians would be better for filling out their ground and their air especially going aroun 11.0+ where they sorta lack. But no more then sweden who still has less vehicles than they do.

Which is fine and i agree. Benelux shouldn’t have been in france(who have enough unique vehicles to make a 5th air line imo, seriously the amount of post war vehicles is nuts.) The problem i have is that germany doesn’t need DK. They need the swiss for ground and air. Austria also because they can help add to top tier ground.

Swiss F-18
Austrian Typhoon (would be quite weak so a “lower” BR premium Typhoon option)
and then Stuff like the Tornado ASSTA3.1 / SLE and of course the Typhoon
In the future (maybe) F-35.

Most nations are going to be a bit anemic at top tier going forward

Also you say lacking in the future. Not counting Norway or DK. How many aircraft does finland and sweden have to add past the gripen C?

Hey dont you dare forget my GR.4

Not exactly going to end up on the German TT is it :P

Tornado ASSTA3.1 or the later Tornado IDS SLE are German variants.

But Yeah A200C and Gr4 are going to be be awesome (if they actually get anything over the Gr1 and A200 we have currently)