The Kugelblitz's PzGr.H components need to be fixed

Heellll no. The Gepard is only restricted because it physically cannot carry APDS in its normal belt, and has a secondary belt dedicated to it. The ZSU/Kugel have no such restriction. Also - the Gepard does have its APHE rounds, so that is not a very good comparison.

SPAA need to have some AT capacity, and some of them will likely be better at it then AA work. This is fine. The best solution for this is variable SP costs based on the belts you take (i.e., ZSU with APHE will be about the same as a LT or TD, but ZSU with only HE or HE-VT (The chinese one obv), will be the current cost.)

Kugel should get a full HVAP belt, get a full HE belt stock, and I can see it going to 6.7.

Also, fun fact! Even IRL, the 57-2 was considered very bad for AA work, and was often used as a inf. support/AT weapon.

That’s not fair, it was considered very good if it hit the plane. It’s not its fault that the planes got far too fast for it to reliably hit 😿

But in all seriousness, the HE/AP idea you suggest is what I’ve been thinking for a while. I would personally have them set to tank destroyer SP cost for a full AP load, and factor in how much of each ammunition type you’re bringing for the AAs that aren’t limited on AP. That way we don’t punish folk too much if they’re bringing some AP to defend from tanks but primarily have AA rounds. Team mates tend not to bother to help AA players (Though simultaneously feel they should bitch about SPAA defending itself from a tank instead of shooting down the plane that got them).

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this is good too. although it will take almost the same amount of effort with how much each type of ammo should cost per belt. like the kugels APCR/HVAP per belt shouldnt cost as much as an AP belt for the 57-2

i know. But there is no reason why gaijin cannot restrict players from taking ahistorical ammo loads.
They already pretty much choose belt compositions on will (aside from certain vehicles)

eh, the 8.3 gepard can somewhat use them but youre pretty much dead if it was an IFV anyway. so that point is not really hitting me

Then you may as well restrict them from taking too little shells, or restrict them from using all HE-VT, etc. Its stupid, and ammo limits should only exist if its a hardware limitation within the chassis itself.

Its more worth it imo. It would likely be some sort of logarthmic scaling, with ones after the first few raising the SP cost a lot, before plataeuing at the cost of a TD.

kinda do lol, they give a warning that u havent taken enough shells (i think less than 20% is when it pops up)

thats an AA shell though, AT shells are the problem

yes that point can be made. but this is a video game. we are no closer to realism by allowing players to use SPAA as TDs. Operationally SPAA crews dont take such loadouts.

They do not hard limit you, however.

laughs in Bkan

We also use artillery as direct-fire TDs and fight over circles in the ground while an imaginary ticket counter counts down. Realism should be restricted to vehicle modeling (Amount of armor, gun pen, type of ammo it can use, etc.), not on what you can do with them. If you want to use a Pantsir as a TD, go right ahead ig?

point is, we want SPAA to act primarily as SPAA and defensively only as TD

Every SPAA can take out both planes and light armored vehicles.

The degree how effectiev they depends in general on their RoF and their armor penetration.
Low RoF, high pen → Much better AT vehicles then AA.

But every discussion on this topic is a waste of time, since Gaijin doesn’t care what the players think.
They just do their own thing.

When they think a SPAA is too good at killing tanks, they nerf the amound ot AP rounds in the belt.
Even though that didn’t stop the Falcon from having it’s BR increased all the way to 8.3.

Both Kugelblitz and Falcon can shred light vehicles like there is no tomorrow with their regular APHE shells, which the Kugelblitz is missing btw.

Especially since there are so many freaking SPGs nowadays that that are protected from .50cals from the front but nothing more.

Other nations have much more pen on its SPAA’s at much lower BRs. How much has Kugel? 72mm pen or something… Other SPAAs beat that and are low BR.

Difference is the Kugelblitz is hardly comparable to a ZSU-57.

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Ideally my thoughts are that they should be decent at TD work (not good, decent, but with some exceptions obviously.), and fairly good at AA work. Stuff like the ZSU would be fairly good at TD work, but bad at AA work.

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yeah, that was off topic, kugelblitz is pretty buns at AT duties.