The Jaguar A/E/GR.1A should be a lower BR in Air RB (at most 10.3)

Now that Air and Ground is split BR, the Jaguar’s can be at a lower BR where they can be competitive because at 10.7 they currently have;

  • The worst missile set (the GR.1A only gets 2 aim 9Gs)
  • A mediocre air frame/ poor energy retention
  • A engine that is only 8% better then the 9.7 version

I don’t see how a 8% better engine and flairs/chaff is reason for a whole 1.0 BR higher.
(TBH alot of strike planes are currently overtired in air RB such as all the A-7s, F-105D, su-17M2, Buc S.2B, AMX A-1A, A32A, all should go 0.3/4 BR lower, I know Gaijin balances off average SL earnings so just nerf the SL for base bombing)

Could be, but it’s not really THAT necessary. They might even be too overpowered in a full downtier if they went down to 10.3

I dont see how it would be TBH, there are much better planes already at 10.3 such as the F8U-2 (should probably go 10.7, but wing rip has been recently made more stringent once again so will see), Mirage 5BA, SU-25/K, A-10 Early, and F104J.

All those planes are undertiered except for the 104J, everyone knows that, and it’s also natural that dedicated fighters such as the F8 should perform better than attackers in air modes