The J-11A Is The Worst 13.7 (Updated)

You can’t shoot them from far away enough for it to matter.

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Part of the point, just use R27.

Naw you can spam the r77’s at close range.

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is it really this bad? havent grinded it yet and i dont think i will atp

Everything about it is identical to the j11 but it has maws and r77’s. Same mediocre radar, same mediocre rwr, same flight model.

Mind you I would suggest grinding it anyway because what comes after it should be better.

These are early leaks so it is a bit of speculation, but the J-15 is fundamentally different compared to the Su-33. China decided to opt for a indigenous development for their carrier borne fighter for a reason, they didn’t like what the Su-33 offered at the time. They bought a T-10 from Ukraine (there’s another number after the 10 but I forgot it, I had it in my suggestion that’s still there pending lmao) and developed the J-15 from there. It is similar structurally, of course, but it uses a decent amount of lighter composite material and some parts of the airframe are straight up lighter compared to the Su-33. Not counting the fact that the Su-33 cannot fire R77s and Fox3s, while the J-15 (even the earliest model) can fire PL-12s. I’m not sure where they’ll place it but if I had to bet they’ll go after the J-11A… unless they ditch the possibility of further adding bombers and they turn the bomber line into a sea line which also makes sense.

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This is a fake leak


Yeah I said it was speculation… although how are we sure the leaks are fake?

Because its not from one of the 2 reputable leakers.

I get that but what’s on the leak list seems rather plausible. Even if it’s fake I would expect at least something from that to be true. It also had the Thai sub tech tree for JP which a lot of people seem to be pointing out as the main option.

Both J-11A and SU-27SM do not deserve to be same BR as F-15C

Not when:

F-15C has much better radar

F-15C has much better flight model

F-15C has much better FOX-3

F-15C has more countermeasures (CHAFF) to spam against FOX-3

Advantage of Su-27SM/J-11A over F-15C

Carries 2 more missiles



Btw yeah those are fake but the process behind what I told still remains, it makes sense to grind for the J-11A (even if it’s bad and you won’t even spade it) since what’s to come after it should in theory be much better.

(Thank you for pointing out that the leaks were fake)

Is that the Migs over exaggerated performance, while giving pilots a false sense of security, just never held up in combat

The Russian Airforce don’t use any MiG aircraft as their main stay air superiority aircraft, they’d be relying on their SU-35s rather than the much older MiG-29s. The Abrams which was overhyped was proven to be absolutely dog in a drone infested environment and the same may apply for the F-16AMs being delivered.

And I’m not quite sure how this is even related to the J-11A whatsoever, would you like to elaborate?


Alright guys, how about we go back the topic and not edge moders with political stuff for [insert funny number] time?

Although, tbh, nothing can be added beyond original statement of J-11A is the worst top tier jet as of now. Lets hope Gaijin follow with J-11B soon enough… or with ROCAF Mirage 2K (and speaking of ROCAF, shouldn’t their F-16A MLU come with Fox-3 as well?)

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The issue is always compression. We need 14.0 so the J-11A can stay at 13.7 and all the good Fox-3 slingers go to 14.0. That also solves a ton of problems, leave bad planes where they are and boost everyone by .3.

Just move it down to 13.3, the Fox 3 missiles the J-11A have function as Fox 1s (until pitbull) because it retains the old N001 radar with a single data link channel. This basically removes the biggest advantage Fox 3 missiles are meant to have, in my opinion the current J-11A is somewhat equal to the MiG-29SMT.

It also has the god awful SPO-15LM which is absolutely useless at this battle rating, you can’t discriminate what aircraft is lighting you up and what specific direction.

Thing is decompression benefits everyone. Also why move it to 13.3 when it is a straight upgrade over the regular J-11. Don’t say move regular J-11 to 13.0. The zombers would struggle against any actual ER slinger.

Fact the F16 is 76 - 1 in aerial combat. 2100+ in service in multiple 3rd world countries. By your logic the F16s should have more losses. They don’t because Migs are over hyped junk in reality

The USA unlike the Soviets provided extensive training and maintenance for aircraft they sell, this will affect the overall performance of a aircraft in the field of war. The MiG-21 and F-16 are also decades apart, most of the kills the F-16 have are against obsolete fighters.

The fact remains, the Mig-21 didn’t score the kill, except for his friendly fire kill

I’ve provided pretty compelling images and a good argument, just skip over it should we?

The J-11A should have its R27-ERs removed. It has the wrong radar/year to use them. It wasn’t outfitted with the R27-ER until its upgrade to the N001VE. I made a report showing this

It’s a fact that the J-11A used the N001VE, the inaccuracy is the radar rather than the missile itself. They’re just playing ignorant and labelling all secondary sources as "untrustworthy".


More like F-15C MSIP II needs to be put to 14.0 as the sole 14.0 in the game until Typhoon and Rafale are added, along with further equivalent aircraft.

I see Doc’s posts are spreading misinfo about aircraft again, derailing the topic.