The issue of revenue arising from WZ305`s HE-VT ammunition

You can’t get the full kill gain by using this ammunition, and even if you use the shell to hit the target hard, and then kill the target, the benefit is only for killing the hit target.

As you can see, I hit the P-47D with a shell, and I killed the plane later, but I only got the benefit of killing the badly injured plane

And this is not an isolated case, as I found it in an earlier game

Gaijin love making spaa players lives miserable so that the pay to win disgarces keep spending , look at the outrageous prices of ahead belts for pgz-09

I don’t know Chinese, but you get the full reward. It’s just broken down into two items “Fatal Damage” - 80% of the reward and the item you show in the screenshot - the rewards for the final shootdown - the rest as 20%

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That’s the problem. I shot him down completely. I should get 100%, but the fact is that I only got 20%.

Did you get the fatal injury award or not?

Spaa players Usually not taken seriously.

No, only the benefits of shooting down the aircraft after being seriously injured were obtained.