The israeli f16 c/d barak have a "MAW" system in real life but not in game!

The following evidence has been taken from the israeli air force main site!


The bullet system used by the Air Force is installed on the fighter planes of the army. The system is controlled by the electronic warfare systems on the plane and is responsible for releasing bullets or disrupting radar systems after the type of threat has been identified. This system includes a central computer to which are connected bullet spreaders and weapons. In the past, bullets were thrown without prior planning and without certain threat detection, but depending on the level The risk of the place where the plane is located. Thanks to the modern systems, expensive waste of lights is avoided and the efficiency of the system is increased.

“The system has several modes: an automatic mode in which the system detects a threat and emits the lights without the pilot intervening, a manual mode in which the pilot receives an alert and decides how to act, and in addition the pilot can cause the lights to be emitted at any moment if necessary,” explains Asher Shimon from the Rocker Asher company Responsible for system development. And who determines, in fact, the way the bulbs work? “The lights are fired according to the mission, guided by the system. The differences between the methods of operation are derived from the type of threat and the system determines the required amount of lights, the appropriate directions for their dispersion and the correct time periods for sending them.”

Over the years, extensive upgrades have been made to the system. “The main changes were made mainly for the purpose of adapting to modern technological systems in the plane,” says Shimon. “The main beauty of the system is that the Air Force gets the flexibility to decide on the nature of use depending on the threat. We are constantly trying to improve the flexibility of the system.”

Identifying the exact timing when the light will be sent is one of the most significant capabilities of the system, along with identifying the type of missile launched and the appropriate response. “The missile reaches the plane in a short time, so the response must be accurate and the light must be emitted at the appropriate time. If it is emitted too early or too late, it will have no meaning. The main goal in the field is to shorten the detection time as much as possible,” explains Shimon.

!!!starts reading from here to see the evidnce!!!

In the “Ofek” unit, more than 10 improved software versions were developed for the system, in accordance with the needs of the Air Force. A new capability for pilots, which the newest version provides, is the “virtual lights” software used to train the operation of the fire systems in the Lightning squadrons (F-16 C/D) and soon also in the Storm squadrons (F-16I). The system simulates a quantitatively limited number of lights and the pilot trains in a real flight scenario, without wasting real resources. “The system’s interface is automatic and the computer decides which dispersions to activate. The purpose of the training is to make the pilots understand how to deal with different situations using the system, without using bullets unnecessarily, and therefore there is a tremendous saving for the Air Force,” explains Major Yoni Senter, commander of the GAF “A and Shob” in the intelligence unit.

This light system is also used by foreign air forces, including those of Germany and Colombia. Another Israeli system that is a conversion of military infrastructure and installed in foreign armies is a system of the military industry, which includes a computer to which detectors and light diffusers are connected, which is used by helicopters such as the Cobra and civilian planes in Eastern Europe.

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Interesting (just gonna bump this up)


Quite a few vehicles in game have this. Gaijin decided to pick and choose what got MAW, just gotta hope you get favored for air i guess.

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